At 9ish on a thursday night I typically like to let my facebook - TopicsExpress


At 9ish on a thursday night I typically like to let my facebook friends know how a day in my life will make you appreciate your own sucky life so much more. While reading this tale, imagine yourself as the heroine and then smile knowing you are you and not me. Being you is a good thing. The temps are so low but you need a few things to finish dinner so you brave the cold and run to the market for a few things. In and out of the store in record time ah yeah! On the ride home you feel like a formerly $1 pop (or soda you out of state losers) would taste great on your ride home and while you cook dinner. Shoot rewarding yourself with this coke is something worthy of a therapy session but its okay no one is looking you deserve it. Order placed, you roll up to window 1 and hand over $1.27 which is BS because we all know it costs Mcdonalds like 14 cents to make that coke but whatever seriously Almont mcdonalds WHATEVER. Anyway, slow roll to window 2 perky employee says hey hows it going. You are feeling good so you joke and say it is cold as balls but other than that I am AWESOME! Giggle together in a way that is basically like a high five of words among friends because that moment totally rocked. Coke in hand you start rolling away finger on the button to roll the window up now approaching the road. Uh wait finger on the button to go up. UP! Go up! Finger is moving in that upward position yet window is down. Completely down. Crap you are at the road, there is a car behind you, you already put the straw in your coke, straw placement doesnt really matter but confusion is setting in. Just pull out it will go up in a second. Try it again. Yeah the 2006 mini van has officially entered into an argument with you and decided to just not function properly because it is cold. Remember it is balls cold. Yes single digit temps combined with the wind chill of driving in a car equals colder than the balls you had said it was 3 mins earlier. At this moment start focusing on surviving the ride home. May you arrive with your skin intact and without being pulled over by a cop who is suspicious you stole the old ass mini van and broke the window to enter, because really who drives in single digit temps. Thieves do thats who. Thieves and people who drive old mini vans. Sipping on your coke is not going to make you feel good right now. You reluctantly place it in the cup holder which btw this cup holder kind of sucks and isnt very sturdy. No no now is not the time to rip on the vehicle. You need the vehicle. Just get home! You see your driveway. Oh home, home, home!! You get into the driveway. Things are picking up for you. You put the 2006 mini van that you are now calling good girl into park and ask her to please let the window roll up. Your kind words pay off. It is rolling up!! Holy crap it is rolling up. Based on the very slow roll to this up you decide to grab the window and guide it to its home position. Phew! Open door to the good girl mini van drop only 2 things. It could have been worse. Start to close the door but quickly realize that you left the mini van running. Come on woman you are home, just get into the house and cook your family dinner!! You got this! Enter kitchen and realize you deserved that pop.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:48:53 +0000

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