At Eye Q Institute of Glaucoma Yoga & Glaucoma Though - TopicsExpress


At Eye Q Institute of Glaucoma Yoga & Glaucoma Though described in many ways, Yoga can also imply the journey of the self (jiva) to realise the cosmic consciousness, within. In the Yoga Sutras, Maharishi Patanjali expounded the eight fold path (Ashthang Yoga) to achieve the same. Yoga is a complete science, focusing on breathing, movement, posture and meditation. Specific exercises are taught consisting mainly of simple stretching, breathing and relaxation. There is a wealth of scientific research available confirming that advanced Yogis have remarkable control over the functioning of their nervous system, heart and lungs. Research also shows that meditation tends to normalise blood pressure, pulse rate, and the level of stress hormones in the blood. It produces changes in brain wave patterns, showing less excitability and improves the white blood cell (immune) response as well as hormone response. Since all body fluids and outflow passages of the body (including those for glaucoma) are regulated by hormones, Yoga has a role in glaucoma management by regulating the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. For glaucoma patients our recommendations would include basic asanas ( eye, neck, shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, foot rotation, Taad Asana and Vajra Asana ) to relax the body mind complex. These can be done slowly over thirty minutes followed by the Nadi Shodhana and Sheetkari pranayamas followed by Nadanusandhana Asana. Additionally stress management practices with meditation can be done to carry on working with joy and contentment under all circumstances. For glaucoma patients Asanas which should be avoided include Chakrasana, Dhanuransana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Sirshasana, Vamana Dhouti and Kapalabhati pranayama.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 12:43:14 +0000

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