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At Job Mail publishing we frequently inform you of the latest in scam operations. It has come to our attention that there is a new job scam that has begun making the rounds. We advise you to take the time to read this article to ensure you do not fall prey to this con. The scam description is as follows: A recruiter position becomes available requesting job seekers to direct their Curriculum Vitae’s to a fax number. This fax number is set up to incur charges beyond standard rates. So if you send your CV to this‘fake recruiter’, you will be charged on your telephone bill at a very high rate. Now that you are aware of this ploy, your next question probably is, “How do I make sure that this doesn’t happen to me so that I don’t get conned in the future?” To prevent this from happening to you we suggest you: - Always verify your source of inquiry. This means that you need to check the telephone number given in the job advert is in operation (you can do this by making a simple call to test that the telephone line exists and when you call you can ask questions about the job on offer). When you call, if they immediately direct you to the fax line it is best to play it safe and avoid applying for this job. We ask that you please contact us at Job Mail and we will investigate this recruiter - Check that the company is registered to operate. A simple Google search should assist in proving that this company is a legally registered company. If they don’t have a registered VAT number they are not obliged to trade in South Africa. This usually applies to work from home opportunities. For more information on illegal work from home opportunities we suggest you read this post. - Make certain that FAX is not the ONLY means of communication. Many a time; regardless of email listing, the company does not receive calls and only directs communication to a fax number for correspondence. BE AWARE!The company should not have a problem with you emailing your CV if they are a registered recruiter/ employer. If they only have a fax number and are not willing to receive your CV via email 9 out of 10 times this fax number is set-up for the solitary purpose of a con and they get about R30.00 for every document you send. Remember that it is safer for you as the job seeker to apply online via the Job Mail site. In using the apply button on a Job Mail verified advert you have direct access to approvedjob positions and authorised recruiters. Job Mail makes a concerted effort to ensure that our recruiters and employers are legitimate in order to be fully registered to our site. Once you are a registered as a Job Mail user you press the apply button and recruiters/ employers get an email with your online Job Mail CV (provided your qualification matches the post they have advertised). Most Job Mail recruiters have access to our system so they can even search for CV’s when they are looking for specialised qualifications and skills. It is therefore important for you to update your skills matrix so you appear in these searches. It is to your benefit to ensure that your online CV is constantly updated so you frequently appear in these recruiters search results. It is important to ensure your profile remains active. After three months of not using your profile on Job Mail it will subsequently deactivated. This means you will not appear in recruiters notifications when they are looking for the perfect candidate. So remember to apply today using your online Job Mail CV and also make sure keep your account active. Job Mail is the ultimate, safe and secure employment seeking platform but you can’t get a job if you don’t apply! If you have any details about the above mentioned fax con or any other scams on the Job Mail site, please ensure you contact the following Job Mail representative: Contact Rose on 012 3423840 (EXT: 2620) or via e-mail: [email protected] We hope this post helped you to be savvier when applying for jobs. Where there is a window of opportunity fraudsters will find innovative ways to con you. This is why you need to be aware of the latest ploys so you don’t become there next target! Thank You from the Job Mail Team.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 05:37:50 +0000

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