At Kansas Bible Camp for Center Youth Retreat, I was awakened at - TopicsExpress


At Kansas Bible Camp for Center Youth Retreat, I was awakened at 4:30 am to the sound of banjo, guitar, and a merry band of voices singing gospel songs accompanied by the stomping of feet. Now in a certain sense I really enjoyed the music. However, I did have a few beefs with the applicability of the lyrics to our specific situation, if you catch my drift. On that bright and cloudless morning... Now it was morning, I will grant them that. However, it was not bright out yet and it was quite impossible to know the state of cloudiness from the basement, though from the groans and grumbles of those awakening around me, it seemed maybe some storm clouds were forming. ...when the dead in Christ shall rise... Well, we werent precisely dead, but we were indeed rising, so it was half right. ...and the glory of his resurrection share... This was so close to correct. But it was actually the *story* of *our* resurrection (and the untimeliness of that resurrection) that I arose to share. Something like this would have done nicely: On that dark and stormy morning, when thasleep in bed shall rise, and the story of our resurrection share... Just to clarify, the music was nice and Im not angry. It just seemed the band was unaware that KBC is not built to modern specifications of insulation and non-transmission of sound and that the structure seems to have been instead a remarkably successful experiment in the cup and string theory of construction. This I sought to educate them on. So no, I was not angry, in fact, I was actually pleased and proud of their choice of late night activity and found it far more worthwhile than activity choices Ive made in similar situations. I would like to further clarify that when I stood there incongruously in the chapel in my CocaCola PJs and asked them to sing instead in the gym, I did not stop in the middle of my sentence to gaze at them in a speechless, dazed fashion for dramatic effect. I just couldnt remember the word for gym. For myself, I would have probably lain back and enjoyed the concert, but with the aforementioned grumbles of rain starting up all around me, I thought it best to bring the concert to an end before everyone got soaked. Theres nothing like an incorrect weather forecast to leave people unhappy and sopping wet, metaphorically speaking.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:19:12 +0000

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