At PEK we have an Annual Summer Challenge that came to an end - TopicsExpress


At PEK we have an Annual Summer Challenge that came to an end tonight……I wanted to share with you what I received from a parent of one of our students: “Reflections on the Summer Sensei Lisa sat down next to me last night at the dojo to inquire about my Summer Challenge. My goals had been three-fold (to walk more…to drink more water….and to become more mindful at work). I made some very good headway on these goals over the summer…..I didn’t walk the full distance that I had hoped to, but I made efforts to walk more often (running errands, taking a break at the office etc.), drank more water (and less coffee…..but still wishing green tea would give me the same rush as espresso!), and had fewer days where at 4:00 I was quickly gathering up my laptop and wondering how I had missed out on the whole day! But even though I didn’t achieve my goals fully, I feel content. Maybe it is because in reflecting on the past two months, I realize that I achieved something more than what I had written on my Summer Challenge Form. The gift I have received from Port Elmsley Karate is immeasurable. I have watched my quiet (sometimes shy) son open up and embrace karate with passion and excitement. I have seen such growth as he learns to accept positive criticism without seeing this as failure. I have seen him glow with pride when he knows he has figured something out, or when a Sensei compliments him on a stance, on an application or for his effort. I have watched him share his newfound knowledge with his cousin as he whispers to her in kata line that she needs to change her feet or hold her hand in a certain way. Before PEK, our lives were certainly less fulfilled. While we always managed to keep busy, life just seemed a bit emptier. My son loves to read and watch TV, and he plays basketball and does cross-country and track-and field…….and he has a great group of friends. But the passion he has for karate….and all that PEK encompasses……is something new. When he wrote an essay for his summer challenge, and identified one of his favourite parts of karate as getting his belt, I asked him if that meant he was excited about grading for his yellow belt some day. His response is one that I will always remember. He said that getting his white belt is what was exciting. HE glowed and looked so content as he was describing this. Putting on that white belt each time he gets ready to do to the dojo gives him a sense of belonging….and a sense of pride! Maybe learning to tie that belt will be his next summer challenge My career is such that I bring work home most nights to do once my son is in bed. And the nature of my work is that I thus spend a huge amount of time dealing with people who do unspeakable things to others. I confess that sometimes I forget about the goodness that exists in most people. PEK has given me back some of the balance that was missing in my life….. Pre-teen boys and girls who support each other and encourage each other, and take pride in the success of their peers. Teenagers who are respectful, dedicated and competent while still having fun. Families training together…..mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, daughters, sons, cousins…..such a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn and train. Where else could you develop such a bond while throwing each other to the ground??? Senseis and Sempais who inspire and encourage and motivate in so many difference ways. I wonder if they each understand the important role they play in so many people’s lives…and I hope that they feel joy and happiness in seeing the positive impacts that they have. So, while I did not necessarily achieve each (or any) of my goals, I am happy with what I have achieved instead. Summer may be over, but that simply means that it’s time to think about the next goals…..and to wonder where the journey goes next……so far, I know that it entails starting back with my trainer next week (yay ), and doing kick-boxing with my son…..ugh, what was I thinking??!!??” I loved this letter so much……………I just had to share it. Thank you! Sensei Lisa
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 03:17:23 +0000

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