At School Dawn: Katlyn what you doing for your project Katlyn: - TopicsExpress


At School Dawn: Katlyn what you doing for your project Katlyn: Not sure yet Sappy: We have to pick an interest or something we like and show the rest of the class Katlyn: I Know but I’m not sure what to do it on Dawn: You could do it on your favourite TV show or something Katlyn: Yer good idea Rory: Hey Girls Sappy: Hey Rory Rory: You all ok Katlyn: Yer we are all ok Rory: Cool Dawn: Rory you heard anything from mom and dad yet Rory: Nope not yet but they might be home when we get home Dawn: I doubt it because you know how busy hospital’s can be Rory: Yer don’t worry I will call dad and let you know after Dawn: Thanks (Smiles) Sappy: So why has your parents gone to the hospital Dawn: Mom has a scan and they have gone to the hospital Sappy: Cool what time is there appointment? Dawn: 2pm Sappy: Cool A few hours later after school Rory: Dawn can I have a word with you Dawn: Sure what’s wrong is mom ok Rory: Yer mom’s ok they are on their way home now Dawn: Cool Rory: Yep dad texted me and said that everything is ok and the baby is getting big Dawn: That’s good Rory: Yep Libby: Hey Rory how’s mom Rory: Mom’s fine she is on her way home now Libby: Cool Rory: Yep (Picks Morgan up) Hey buddy Morgan: Hey Roo Roo Rory: (Smiles) so you want juice Morgan: (Nods) Yes please Rory: Coming up (Put’s Morgan down on the floor) Libby you want a drink as well Libby: Yes please Rory: Coming up A While later Lorelai: We are Home Rory: Hey how you feeling Lorelai: Fine Rory: Cool Morgan: (Runs up to Lorelai) Mommy Roo Roo made me juice Lorelai: (Laugh’s) Cool Libby: So Lorelai how did you get on Lorelai: Fine thanks baby is getting big Libby: Cool Lorelai: Yep (Turns to Libby) Thanks for having the kids for me Libby: That’s ok anyway you’re my sister and I love having them Lorelai: Awwwwww that’s good anyway how’s Joseph Libby: Fine seeing him soon Lorelai: Cool Luke: Morgan you hungry Morgan: Nah me had eats at Libby’s Luke: Ok Libby: So Leah is all fed and changed and I’ve just not long put her down for her nap Lorelai: Thanks (Grabs Libby’s hand and places it on her belly) Can you feel that Libby: Yer wow you have a little footballer in there Lorelai: (Smiles) Yer he is a right litter kicker can’t wait to meet him Libby: Cool I know I’m excited to meet my new nephew not long now Lorelai: Nope (Smiles) so how’s Alisha Libby: Fine doing well in school Lorelai: Cool that’s good
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 20:48:02 +0000

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