At Times I Wonder What Type Of MP’s We Have In Uganda!! While - TopicsExpress


At Times I Wonder What Type Of MP’s We Have In Uganda!! While listening to ‘Kiliiza Oba Ggana” A radio talk show on CBS 89.2 FM yesterday evening, i was further disappointed by our MP’s but also remembered what Frank Gashumba once said while appearing on “NTV’s Tuwaye” that majority of the MP’s in the Ugandan Parliament are not worthy to be there. It’s really true, i can now testify. It’s a shame. I was very much disappointed by Mr. Kakooza james, MP Kabula county (this is the man that, infamously or famously or both, moved the motion in the Parliament of Uganda to remove the term limits from Uganda’s 1995 constitution) who mislead the listeners and the country at large that the 18% VAT tax was levied on bottled water as opposed to piped water something that he kept on saying time and again. I was however so pissed off with other members on the panel & most especially Mr. Paul Mwiru MP Jinja east who couldn’t take him on. Shamefully & surprisingly enough, Mr. Kakooza James went ahead and fooled the Nation that actually the 18% VAT was levied on piped water during the last financial year and that this year, it has been abandoned, and thereby forgetting that it was actually proposed last year and people stopped it! And again the other members on the panel including kept on listening without putting him to order or giving him information. Mp Bakireke Nambooze & Mathias Mpuuga, I believe by the time when you contributed to the show on phone, you could have done better by putting that man to Order!! Strange But True!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 11:07:03 +0000

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