At about this time, 6 years ago, I was at the TMH Womens Pavilion, - TopicsExpress


At about this time, 6 years ago, I was at the TMH Womens Pavilion, contractions less than 3 minutes apart, only to be told I would be sent home until I progressed further. . two angelic doctors (one who admitted me to be monitored due to nausea and faintness and another who got me through delivery complications with ease) and almost 21 hours later, the most precious, wonderful, amazing little angel was welcomed into the world, and she demanded quite the audience - I swear there were 30 people in that delivery room! I will never ever forget how I felt the first time I actually got to hold her, which was not the picture perfect lay her on mommys chest that many get, but all the more special. I wondered how and why God chose to bless me in such a way, and I understood completely what my Mama had meant when she used to say One day youll understand, theres just no way to describe it . . she was absolutely right! There are no words to express the love I have for my precious treasure Kentley Grace Mauk, and that love only grows stronger. She amazes me every day, her beautiful sweet spirit and all that she has already had to overcome in life. She is strong and good and pure sunshine, and still demands attention with her fabulous personality - she is my heart and soul and I cant imagine my life without her. I cant believe that at 10:26 tomorrow morning I will no longer be able to count her age on one hand :( I will continue to cherish every moment of life with her and be ever thankful to God for His precious gift. She makes me a better person. Happy Birthday to my sweet angel Kentley Grace!! Mommy loves you so very much!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:08:48 +0000

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