At around 2:35 of this clip (and there are other postings exposing - TopicsExpress


At around 2:35 of this clip (and there are other postings exposing this on YouTube and other venues) Myles Munroe declared that the LORD Jesus DID NOT PREACH that ye must be born again (which He clearly does in John 3). He also taught that we shouldnt be preaching about the blood of Jesus, the resurrection, and never says or emphasizes anything about repentance of sins; instead focusing on dealing with peoples immediate temporal needs and the Kingdom of God. As tragic as Munroes death was in how it happened, the truth be told is that Myles Munroe REJECTED the Gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching a Kingdom Now false heresy, and there is no evidence that he repented of his error (Galatians 1:8-9). The thinking amongst some people is that Munroe confessed Jesus Christ and that is good enough to get to Heaven. Anybody can do that. Remember what Jesus clearly taught in Matthew 7:13-14 and 21-23. Many (like Munroe and most of his followers; and almost everyone who is/has been associated with TBN) are like those people Jesus talked about who will stand before Him trusting in their works to get them to Heaven. Sadly, most will hate this posting simply because they idolize this man rather than Jesus Himself (even when they try to say and think otherwise). Either because he had money and influence, and/or simply because he was Black. When it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; money, influence, and skin color doesnt matter. Munroe clearly rejected Jesus Christ and His Blood and His resurrection from the dead, which is the Gospel message (and NOT preaching about the Kingdom of God, which can be anything if you choose it to be). It isnt my place to say that he is in Hell right now, but all of the real evidence suggests that Munroe isnt in Heaven. ~ Jeff Loman You know my dear I find it truly distressing to know that he had led his congregation to believe such doctrines. And like you, I believe this post will be accepted by many as unfavorable or even malicious considering this man and his wife lost their lives. However, you have spoken the truth beloved! The Bible says, Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 4:14 We must test the spirit, and if the gospel that they are preaching is not in line with the Bible, we are to not be a partaker. It is indeed tragic to see how he has rejected the Glorious Gospel of JESUS Christ. May GOD bless you and your household beloved! ~ Judy
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 21:52:32 +0000

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