At exactly 16hours, the bonafide General Conference, fired Dr. Guy - TopicsExpress


At exactly 16hours, the bonafide General Conference, fired Dr. Guy Scott from the post of Acting party President when the Chairperson of the party, Mrs Inonge Wina declared the seat vacant. As at 16:00hrs, Scott ceased to hold office of Acting party President and does not even command any authority at party level, as his position was dissolved by the party’s National Chairperson. Article 68 states that the General Conference is the supreme policy-making organ of the Party and shall meet ordinarily once every five (5) years but can meet in extraordinary sessions when convened by the Central Committee of the Party. The extra ordinary General Conference shall have the same powers as the ordinary Conference. In Article 71, the PF Constitution stipulates that the decision of the General Conference shall be valid and obligatory for the Party, government and Public institutions, therefore, Scott’s purported move to have his own General Conference is null and void. As the Mulungushi General Conference was legally Chaired by the party’s Chairperson, Inonge Wina, with over 30 Members of the Central Committee approving it and all the Provinces, Districts and Constituencies present, Scott stands on no ground to order for anything in the ruling party PF. The General Conference, which Scott called and slated it for 29 November 2014, was scheduled for Mulungushi Rock of Authority, which venue the Cartel avoided to come to as they did not have the required number of supporters to back their Presidential bid. Inonge’s positioned is strengthened in Article 72 of the PF Constitution. “The Chairman of National Council shall be the Chairman of any General Conference held during his term of office.” One wonders how Guy Scott could ever call for a General Conference when in his camp, not even a third of MCCs can gather to form a Quorum is attainable. Without Inonge Wina, Scott cannot convene a General Conference of any sort, if, assuming he had a locus standi in the matter as the Constitution stipulates that such agenda ought to be prepared by the Central Committee and approved by the National Council, “The agenda for the General Conference shall be prepared by the Central Committee approved by the National Council and adopted by the General Conference.” The Constitution empowers the PF to make its own rules, unfortunately, Scott has no legal numerical strength to have enough numbers of MCCs to prepare such an agenda so that it could make or unmake its own rules as state in Article 74 of the same Constitution, “the General Conference shall make its own Standing Orders.” With the above, whichever way would want to weave his way, the eight presidential aspirants have lost out for good until the next General Conference is convened. It is worth noting that as PF National Chairperson, Mrs Inonge Wina declared the post of PF president vacant, police command received detail that Chishimba Kambwili and the Cartel thugs were planning disrupting the GC in a daring grand entry to cause chaos. Police was dotted everywhere and stood ready for them whilst voter verification commenced in earnest. Chishimba Kambwili, one of the Cartel members never even entered Mulungushi Conference Centre like the other eight contenders including fired acting party president, Dr Guy Scott. Only the peoples popular leader, Hon. Edgar Lungu was at Mulungushi and the when the process of voting was pronounced to start in earnest, delegates awaited to commence voting, the ballot boxes were ready. All the contestants, meanwhile, have been announced as eligible to be voted into office, though they are not there. The other eight candidates include disgraced widow of the late President Michael Sata, Dr Christine Kaseba, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, Wilbur Simuusa, Given Lubinda, Selemani Banda, Miles Sampa, Bob Sichinga and Chishimba Kambwili. Mr. Ngulube of ECZ, advocate of the High Court and Supreme Court of Zambia, is now taking the stand to start the voting process. At exactly 16:12PM, he declared a process by which to identify qualified delegates from the unqualified delegates. The 2010/2011 register will be used to identify eligible voters. The 2010/2011 register was to be used to identify eligible voters. “Is anybody being violent here, anybody prevented from voting, if there is anybody, come to the electoral commission, if there is anybody who is having any complaint this is the only time you have to lodge those complaints.” Inonge outlined the purpose of the General Conference: • To approve the mode of elections; • To approve names of the candidates; I declare the position of the head of our party, vacant, at 16:00hours. Voter verification is now under way, said the electoral chairperson.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:52:02 +0000

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