At first I thought I wouldnt say anything, because this is Merica, - TopicsExpress


At first I thought I wouldnt say anything, because this is Merica, and this is Facebook, and we are no longer allowed to voice our own opinions if they differ in any way from anyone else. But then I remembered a favorite quote of mine from elder rights activist, Maggie Kuhn, which says, Speak your mind even if your voice shakes. So I decided that as a public school educator of 33 years, I DO have a thought to add to the topic of the revamping of school lunches. And MAYBE, because THIS thought right here, right now, does not involve the words, open carry, medical marijuana, republican, democrat, tea party, standardized testing, common core, pay for teachers, patriot act, animal rights, spaying, neutering, civil rights, rights for women, rights for children, for straight, gay, bi, or transgendered, the homeless, the affordable care act, religion, vegan, non-GMO, or ANY other current topic that has been ripped from the headlines of FOX, CNN, NPR, or snopes... then MAYBE... Just maybe I can attempt to make my point without being unfriended, unfollowed, hidden, poked, cursed, or condemned to hell. I have been an educator in the public school districts of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia for 33 years. The only... The ONLY school year that I ate every meal in a school cafeteria, I gained 15 pounds. Let me be clear that this was not a fault, or character flaw of anyone on the cafeteria staff. I have the utmost respect for the men and women who work in our school cafeterias. They, like every other public school employee do miracle work with less than adequate materials. What we eat, when we eat, how we eat, and the amount that we eat needs to be reexamined. Chemicals, grease, oils, salt, white flour and sugar, along with genetically modified foods is just not a good combination. The healthier lunch guidelines are by no means perfect. But they are a start... Hopefully a first step in creating healthier school children in America. They are NOT a communist plot, they are NOT a sign of the end of days, and The First Lady or ANYBODY ELSE from the federal government is not gonna come to your house and go through your pantry... Childhood obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease (to name a few) are happening WAY too much to way too many children. We need to fix this.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:07:05 +0000

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