At first i was scared of hatred but now i am not... If u take - TopicsExpress


At first i was scared of hatred but now i am not... If u take advantage on my calmness to say silly things to me i will do the worse to irritate u even more..Now if i look at my left hand side i see alots of haters who hates me for nothing and on my right i see beautiful people who loves me.. I never knew at the end of being a madaha of Jallo and his Khalifa i will still find people in Jallo to hate me for who i am and what i do... Only few people knows how and when i begun praising Jallo and thats very sad.. I am not used to the public... I have a soft heart. I always accept to be the guilty one to promote peace even when i am not guilty and some people are taking advantage to say alot of bad things about me that i knows nothing about.. I always hear defrent stories about me.. People lie against me.. So many things are said about me that i am innocent about it all.. I have excesice patience alot but its time to fight for my right.. I am not praising Jallo to gather enemies ok.. What i do is my way of serving my shehu so my fellow mureed should not put preasure on me as if i am a saint.. I am Saidil Bashari and i am a human being like any other person.. I am not Muhammadur rasulullah s.a.w.w so i cant be merciful always... My late Father was a grate madaha both in Ghana here and in Nigeraia too may Allah grant him mercy..I inherited him and everyone knows that..Go to nkawkaw and ask about my father then u will know that mine is from Allah.....I am not a coward i have heart and emotions too.. I begun writing praises since 2002 before completing Jhs.. I only write the praises but i dont record them.. i hard the oportunity to be recorded at the studios a year after i came back from school at T.Poly in 2005. I sang 3 songs for Baba and 2 for khalifa after the Dead of Jallo may his perfect soul rest in perfect peace and i had a frend call Abdul Fatah at nkawkaw who helped my first album with two grate songs to make it 7 in the album..At that time nobody could recognise me at parai even though my songs was as usual very meaningful and if i mention(MAIMARTABOBI-) only few people can say they knows and heard it before and that was the album tittle.. It was never easy with the production but i thank Allah for the experience... In 2008 I had chairman GADO at kumasi to help my second album though i got not even a single persewa out of that album tittled ( Ganinan barinan ) but i thank Allah for that experience too...I took a brake till 2010 before coming out with another album tittled ( Baaka da sara) that my third album hard a bad management too becos i couldnt get a good producer untill i got the privilage to do my first ever video album in 2002 tittled(SHUGABA) Thanks to Allah and Baba Abdullahi and Saiyada Jamila from kumasi the parents of Mallan Ronaldo but the biggest thanks goes to Abdul Razak Accra dome.... Taarihin Baba followed and thats the latest in town as everybody knows.. Now is like i am a little bit matured with a massive experience in writing Songs and composing them and this is when people face me physical asking when did i begine praising Baba and Khalifa? wallahi i came from a very long way....Winners never Quit and quiters too never win.. I am going to tight my belt and face anyone that will aproach me with silly talks. Like i said before i am going to leave this world and live with only Allah.. If u have done azkaar then u will understand what i mean.. Alots of things is said about me that i knows nothing about them... I am going to fight for my right now even if i will endup living with only a single admier.. If Allah says yes nobdy can say no. If u aproach me with a dark heart i will also prepear myself with the same heart and fight for my right... Good people knowd that i am a cool and a good person and its time to show the bad ones too that i possess every capabilities.. Let me do my thing.. Sometimes i even find hatred from people i never met before becos the people close to me are fighting to see my downfall so they go around saying i am this i am that.. if someone says something about me and u know u like me just finish the deal with him kawai... Tell him /her that i am going to mention ur name and tell Bashar what u just told me now do u agree?. Somebody asked me that Saidil Bashari did u ever said u are more than malan Aminu? and i asked him** who told u that? then he replied that i have been hearing that..Oh Allah*** What kind of silly lies is that? what kind of fabrication is that? what do u gain if say all this lies against an innocent person? what do u want from? I have made it clear in my Album that Malan Aminu is my overall boss.. He is my master yet people still want to creat problems between us.. HASBUNALLAH WANI IMAL WAKIL....I live everything in the hands the lord of Muhammadur Rasulullah to fight for me...
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:59:54 +0000

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