At one point or another, many actors find themselves in a - TopicsExpress


At one point or another, many actors find themselves in a “freeze” moment. They stagnate and their careers are not moving forward. In a form of desperation, you start accepting odd/small time/ non-paying or little paying jobs. End up taking roles that don’t even suit you or you don’t like. You become aware of the amount of work you have to do to get to the next level. You seem busy but being busy doesnt mean your career is going forward. You lose your focus and have made too many commitments...too many things to do, Places to be, too much to think about and handle! Result- Frustration, tears, anger, basically become overwhelmed. Some move on to become crew,writers, directors etc while others give up all together and that once good actor is nowhere to be seen again. So what do you do when you find yourself in such a situation where you have been working as an actor and are now no longer “it”? How do you get your groove back? 1. Go back to your initial action goals. E.g “ I want to be in 2 movies before the year ends” then work toward that goal. Don’t just say “I want to work” be specific with what you want. 2. Break down every goal down into a weekly action step. “This week I will make a new portfolio. The next week I will meet so and so. Next week I will make my showreel” etc 3. Take a break and relax. If you are not working on a weekend. Chill.take time off. 4. If you have a Coach/Mentor- use your coaching session and just talk it through- two heads are always better than one. OR talk to fellow actors who are making it. Your friends and family wont understand what you are going through but a fellow actor will because you are in the same boat. 5. Make a decision, Set a deadline. Follow through. 6. Look forward. Do things that are making you move forward. However small they maybe. Get an agent. Go to a film related event. Market yourself. Create your website. Get a new showreel. Get a new acting book to read.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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