At some point in our lives we come to a crossroads wondering, - TopicsExpress


At some point in our lives we come to a crossroads wondering, “What is the purpose of my life?” “Do I have one?” The common answer you will hear from just about anyone is that your purpose is to serve God and serve your neighbor. However, that answer usually leaves you unsatisfied because even you already knew that! So I won’t give you the generic answer although that answer is technically true. What I will tell you is that finding God’s purpose for your life is similar to pulling back the layers of an onion. An onion!?! What do I mean? An onion has many different layers and as you peel back each layer you reveal a new layer. In the same way, our walk with God is like an onion. Every trial, every struggle, every victory and defeat is like pulling away another layer that God reveals to us in his time. Each time he pulls another layer back, a new victory is won where maybe we grew in our faith, became more loving or patient, or discovered a hidden talent that God gave us. However, as soon as we have a victory we are presented with another challenge, another trial, another struggle that must be “peeled back.” In our case, life is like a never- ending onion that reveals God’s purpose in our lives slowly, getting sweeter and sweeter each time. Sometimes God reveals part of our purpose or his plan for us by ripping two layers off and other times he reveals to us part of our purpose much more slowly. I know that God has an incredible purpose for your life. You might not know it yet but I encourage you to walk with God daily, become more intimate with him, and look for the common thread that lines up with God’s word….that might just be the God given purpose of your life.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 10:53:09 +0000

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