At th end of the day it must be clear to all of us that it is not - TopicsExpress


At th end of the day it must be clear to all of us that it is not manifestos that bring about change. It is the temper to serve at all cost. It is the willingness to stop at nothing to ensure the betterment of peoples lives. It is hard work for which there is no substitute. What brings change is the selflessness to put your people first. It is the confidence to stay out of step when everyone else marches to the wrong tune. Change comes to life when greed dies. Change comes to life when self-importance and a pompous and opulent life ceases to dictate lives of leaders. Everybody can make a good promise. And given half a chance everybody can ridiculous and extreme promises, as we have seen in the manifestos of others. Manifesto launches are not about anything but a demonstration of power and presence by parties. Parties put in more time, effort and money in the logistics of the launches than they do in the manifestos themselves. Hence the manifestos of many are nothing same old recycled gibberish. It doesnt take a genius to know what South Africa needs. It needs a dedicated and selfless server. It needs those who will still run a mile on empty bellies to ensure that South Africans come right. Good promises are plenty but good leaders are very few. Look for a leader.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:23:22 +0000

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