At the 50th Birthday of a sister in the Boston community Seray G - TopicsExpress


At the 50th Birthday of a sister in the Boston community Seray G Turay with my wifes co-workers, nurses, etc. and other people in the Boston community. Seray Turay is a nurse practitioner who started some charity clinic in her own home town, Magbontoh, in the Northern providence of Sierra Leone a few years ago and is getting sponsored from MAP every year she goes there to do some clinical work for her native people. She said during the speech at the birthday show that she had bought 11 acres of land to build a very big clinic in her village. She asked whoever was there to give gift to her for her birthday to instead give toward that venture, or make a pledge to that. She played videos during the show of all of what she was doing there, treating people all by herself, serving as a nurse, medical assistant and doctor at the same time, taking peoples temperatures, giving shots, treating sores, etc. She said she made surveys and studied the three main common diseases in that area, and made her main focus to help eradicate and to educate people on how to prevent people from getting such diseases. Some of the funny moments she mentioned about her clinical work was when one boys blood was tested for high blood pressure, and was negative, and she told him to go home, and he refused to go home if his heart was not tested, meaning with a stethoscope, which sounds funny in the local dialect, and everyone started laughing. Hopefully she is expecting everyone that was in attendance to pledge or make some contribution one way or another to help build her clinic on the 11 acres of land that will include field for agriculture, etc. The DJ for the night was DJ Kallokah from Philadelphia, who did a marvelous job in playing most great and memorable music from the 80s and 90s, that made most of us start reflecting on those happy days in our beloved Sierra Leone. Musics like No one knows tomorrow, indeed no one knows tomorrow because I was in elementary school then when I first heard that music,I could never imagine I would be where I am today, indeed no one knows tomorrow. The MC for the night was Bomporo Turay, who also did a marvelous job, in bring up many great jokes about Seray, not forgetting to mention that Seray is a twin whose pair is in Sierra Leone right now while she is here, I say that is how destiny separates people. MC Bomporo talked many great things, some of them already mentioned above. She called onto all the religious leaders for prayers, including her husband Alhaji Ibrahim Savage to bless the cake before it was cut by Seray, who was surrounded by relatives singing happy birthday. The first person to lead the prayer was Martha Massaquoi, who prayed for every person in the audience, and also about the current crisis in our country, and the birthday celebrant. Next was Imam Savage, who did the same thing, both in Arabic and English in a marvelous manner. Next was Pastor Osman who both the opening prayers and the prayer for the cutting of the cake in the same fashion as the others. Seray is a member of the African Islamic Society of Boston, Inc. and her fellow lady members presented a tangible envelope full of contributions for her, and sang happy birthday as well. In attendance were myself, my wife and her co-workers, the above names I mentioned, including many people from Boston and across the country, which you will see in the pictures, including some Americans, whom I believe are helping to sponsor her program.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:43:40 +0000

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