At the Dragonfly inn Laurie: Michel what you doing Michel: - TopicsExpress


At the Dragonfly inn Laurie: Michel what you doing Michel: Nothing much just paper work Laurie: Ok just wondering that’s all Michel: Ok Sookie: Laurie has Lorelai phoned today Laurie: Yes she has phoned and she asked me to tell you that she is ok and that Dawn is ok Sookie: Cool I just miss her that’s all I know she is on leave at the moment but I do miss her Laurie: Awwwwww I know you do but hey she is coming back after she has had the baby Sookie: I know any way we have a staff photo taken in a few days it’s one big group one and also taken on their own so I’m going to get Lorelai to come in and have it done Laurie: Ok cool we got any coffee Sookie: Kitchen Laurie: Thanks I’m gasping Back at Lorelai and Luke’s Luke: Lorelai you know what right I’m happy Lorelai: Why is that? Luke: Well we have another boy on the way and I can’t wait to meet him Lorelai: Cool me 2 Dawn: (Shouts from her and Rory’s room) MOM CAN YOU DO ME A DRINK Lorelai: Yer sure will do Dawn: THANKS Luke: Rory still away Lorelai: Yer she has took Rylan with her because she has him over the summer Luke: Cool have you phoned her to let her know Dawn’s home from hospital Lorelai: Yer I did (Smiles and pores out a drink for Dawn and takes it into her) There we go Sweetie hope you’re feeling better Dawn: (Smiles at Lorelai) Thanks Mom yes I’m a bit better thanks Lorelai: Ok give us a shout if you need anything Dawn: Will do That night Lorelai: (On the phone to Rory) Hey Hun how are you Rory: Fine thanks how’s Dawn Lorelai: She is fine she is resting at the moment Rory: Cool Lorelai: Yer she is glad to be home Rory: Cool and how’s Leah Lorelai: Fine she is adjusting to her hearing aids now as you know she is deaf in both ears well in one ear the other one she has low hearing so she has to wear 2 hearing aids Rory: Awwwwwwwwww poor thing glad she is ok Lorelai: Yer (Lets out a sigh) So when will you be home Rory: (Thinks) Emmmmmmmmmm don’t know Lorelai: Rory come on we miss you Rory: Fine I will be home next week Lorelai: Yay (Smiles) oh by the way Morgan says hi Rory: Awwwwwwwwww say hi back for me Lorelai: Will do Rory: Oh mom I’ve got to go Rylan needs me bye for now Lorelai: Yer bye Hun Rory: Yer bye Lorelai: (Puts the phone down) Luke is that you Luke: Yer it’s me (Kisses Lorelai) how’s Rory Lorelai: Fine (Kisses Luke back) she is missing home I can tell by her voice Luke: I know when will she be back Lorelai: Sometime next week Luke: Cool A week later Lorelai: Yay Rory’s home Luke: Yer let me open the door you go and sit down Lorelai: Ok Luke: Hey Rory welcome home Rory: Thanks dad Luke: Your mom’s in the living room resting Rory: Cool Rylan: (Runs into the living room) Grandma Grandma Lorelai: Hello Ry where’s mommy Rory: Here I am (Hugs Lorelai) Lorelai: Hey Hun (Hugs Rory back) wow look at you Rory: I know (Smiles) and look at you wow getting big Lorelai: Yer I know just a few more weeks now till he arrives Rory: Cool (Smiles) so how’s Dawn today Lorelai: Fine she is asleep at the moment but apart from that she is fine Rory: Cool well I’m going to unpack my bags Lorelai: Ok Outside in the town square Libby: Hey Bett Bett: Hey Libby how are ya Libby: Fine thanks and you Bett: Fine (Smiles) so you working today Libby: Yep this afternoon Bett: Cool I’m just on my way in to work now Libby: Cool Bett: Well I better go see you later Libby: Yer ok A While later Lorelai: Hey Sweetie you heard from Sonia lately Dawn: Nah she is in Spain she was on twitter the other day Lorelai: Oh ok and how is she Dawn: She seems fine Lorelai: Cool Luke: Lorelai have you seen Morgan’s teddy Lorelai: Yer in the lounge Luke: Cool April: Dad you know what you told me the other day about living here with you and Lorelai Luke: Yer April: Have you thought anymore about it Luke: Oh April I love having you here but you know you would have to run it past your mom first if you wanna live here April: Really oh thanks dad hope she says yes Luke: Let’s see how long are you here for April: A few weeks because John has his mother staying Luke: Ok well talk to your mom first and see what she says April: Thanks Dad (Hugs Luke) well I’m of see ya Luke: Yer see ya (Waves at April as she leaves) Lorelai: (Walks into the lounge) what was that all about Luke: Well April wants to live here with us Lorelai: What Luke no she can’t we have a baby on the way Luke: I told her that Lorelai: Did you tell her to ask Anna Luke: Yes I told her to run it past Anna first Lorelai: (Sits on the sofa) how will she fit in we are having a baby in a few weeks time Luke: I know (Sits next to Lorelai) don’t worry we will make room
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:56:15 +0000

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