“At the conclusion of the meeting, President Sang shared with me - TopicsExpress


“At the conclusion of the meeting, President Sang shared with me a copy of a letter sent by Ho Chi Minh to Harry Truman. And we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson. Ho Chi Minh talks about his interest in cooperation with the United States. And President Sang indicated that even if it’s 67 years later, it’s good that we’re still making progress,” Obama said. The message to Truman came in 1946. By then Ho Chi Minh had long been a dedicated Communist and Soviet agent. At the time the letter was sent, Ho Chi Minh was murdering his political opponents while trying to wheedle Truman into helping him out. And Obama hailed hard-core communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh today as a pretty open guy who was actually inspired by the Founders. Ho Chi Minh was a Communist terrorist. Truong Tan Sang is a leading Communist. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was indeed partly a cheap copy of the American Declaration of Independence in that it borrowed the format to issue a list of grievances against the French. And the resemblance ends there. There was no commitment to internal freedom. Its sole real purpose was to kick out the French. But good news. Obama will go to Vietnam according to Sang. “Last but not least, I also, on behalf of our government and our state, to extend to Obama our invitation to visit Vietnam. And Obama has accepted our invitation and will try his best to pay a visit to Vietnam during his term.” Maybe he can chant the left’s favorite, “Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh is going to win” chant while he’s there.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:25:43 +0000

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