At the earliest possible moment, I will be removing my three - TopicsExpress


At the earliest possible moment, I will be removing my three youngest boys from the public school system. My attendance at Back to School Night tonight clinched it. (It breaks my heart because I adore all of the teachers.) The teachers are helpless to it; the States are helpless but to accept it because No Child Left Behind left our schools decimated with lack of critical funding; that, in turn, pushed nearly every single district to, by balance sheet and red ink, witlessly adopt the standard. Someone please explain to me how thought process and NOT fact is valuable to our own? (On a snide but very much sober note: Isnt that what our country and media has become? Sound-bites and rhetoric, spin and presentation, garnering more weight than FACT?!) Tonight turned from concern over Daniels placement, to an absolute devastation at what our collective children are being given. People, class warfare just increased by a 3/4 turn. Our students will no longer be tested by fact, but will be taught ambiguous ways of finding information while their performance will be data-mined and calculated. Not only that, there is an insidious tone to the material that while presented under the guise of community and common good, slowly but surely undermines parent respect and/or distinction as a valuable asset to their own child. The material makes my heart so sick I could vomit. I cant even begin to express the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions that are coursing through me right now. While Im not concerned for my own children because I will teach them everything I know and require drills, fact, function, etc., I am beyond alarmed and angry that generations of children who, before this, could push ahead if they were self-motivated, wont even be given that opportunity because of the convoluted and valueless course of material. I was told this today (literally!): What is wonderful about this program is that if students dont like to read and write, they can learn an instrument and find their value doing that. WOW. Wow. Wow. I could cry right now for every single child who doesnt have a concerned, involved parent. And, you know me! I am the most avid of supporters for personal talent; my blog is dedicated to living joy and to championing the evolvement of our most authentic selves. But in this instance, this means that its okay to be abysmal, its okay to not learn; its okay because if a child can discover a way to get there (even if that way takes 45 mins for one problem), thats the key. REALLY?! Wow. So while other children (because on my grave, I refuse for mine to not have drills and facts) have to make boxes upon boxes before moving onto the next algebraic step of, thats valuable? Lets just keep every child in remedial math; in fact, lets undermine the parents as important and informative resources while presenting exercises in language arts which glorify the government under the guise of bettering the community. I feel more sick even having known all this beforehand. It has hit me so hard, I cant even begin to say. What of our teachers? How do they feel? Most probably are sickened too; but its their passion, its their course, they have no choice. Again. SICK. So, so, so, sick. Sick because children with parents who arent educated and dont understand whats really happening will never get it. This means that we will turn out an enormous increase of ill-prepared children while those who can afford private education will only increase opportunity. Thats akin to what Healthcare was pre-Hilary Clinton/HMO in the early 90s to what it is now. ARGH. The young doctors and nurses that are coming out into the workforce know nothing of what excellent care used to be. Anyway, my own will excel. They will learn. They will have supplemental lessons on the weekends that reinforce facts, drills and instant recall. Let them have to make boxes. Let them write their essays on community development. On a lighter (laughs), they know who their mother is. LOL. ;) But, argh. My heart weeps. It just cracks. Do we move to Texas? Better yet, can we move to Japan? Honestly.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:45:31 +0000

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