At the eleventh hour, it is our level of awareness and the - TopicsExpress


At the eleventh hour, it is our level of awareness and the willingness to concede that things are still not right in the country that shall make the difference. After those terrible years of a war that completely exposed all the ills in our society, it was and still expected that our level of civilization should be enough grounds for us to build a better society. The age of absolute decadence should no longer be ours, but the very era to put those good standings into better use; help others in the society to also live decent lives, they are part of the human race. We need a society devoid of those sharp divisions and sentiments that have consistently left our country a fragile one in the eyes of our benefactors. What many may think is absent in our society is our willingness to subscribe to the well-being of the country; a society of people almost always willing to eat from the nation, but never prepared to have it the other way. Some converted the hard earned resources of the state into theirs but not a single day have they thought of giving back to society. There are some who may want to be seen using public cars for their personal engagement but never willing to use their private cars for public use. These are some of the abnormalities in our society. Where are our citizenships? Our once vibrant National Insurance Company that had always acrued substantial revenue for the state is now a dead horse because of some personal interest. Tell me, where is the love for country? No accusing fingers here but pointing out those defaults in the society which otherwise could have provided better lives for several hundreds of people. The stake is not about making a political capital but to suggest where we may have gone wrong either as individuals or the nation, and possibly see if we can make amends in the interest of the entire society. Take your share of the responsibility and i will take mine, but sincerely give your best to usher in the changes we need. This should be the spirit and certainly the foundation for nation-building. If we can agree, then it becomes easy for us to spot those missing links withholding the growth and development of our country. There is the suspicion that our authorities are in a hurry to market the country for want of political gains, but in our backyard, like the U.N. Secretary General said, there are considerable number of citizens who still find themselves in that bitter struggle for survival. You know that, i know that, everybody knows that. Can we then have our poblic officials regulate their social behaviors in society? The bulk is always at their door steps; to put on their gowns of morality and do the things that are right to help make society a better place for all.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:24:26 +0000

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