At the end of it all, and Im not really sure its the end yet, I - TopicsExpress


At the end of it all, and Im not really sure its the end yet, I guess thats up to me and my own stubbornness and stupidity (sad to say but if anything Im honest and you all know that) but I think, tonight as Im crying out to God, I Finally realize God is saying, Im the ONE that never leaves. And I know I have placed myself into all the pain I have endured over a long period of time, but its not the end for me I know that. I have lived for the Lord more than half my 44 years on this earth and was raised in church ALL MY LIFE. I know that with pain there is always a lesson to be learned and God you sure Have certainly allowed me to make you prove it.... See thats how we are. We wonder why we go thru things, yes its to grow stronger and to have a testimony but somethings we could avoid if we would only believe in the unseen instead of having God to have to reveal His truths in experiences.... Experiences that we may not be ready for but yet we open those doors and what does God do he allows us to go thru them And Im very stubborn and I have no idea why! Always have been. lol omg Rene Earp-Minor even at the age of 4 Running around the house (yes around the outside lol) naked as a J-bird proving I was going to have my way regardless! Wow! Yea I been this way a long time. Oh my. Flesh yes its weak but its powerful just the same. So I beg of you tonight as a child of God struggling to overcome, What ever you do, never take your eye off the Jesus and His word because when you do this flesh will prove how powerful it can be when you try to do things on your own. God is our only comfort, rest, peace, strength, life support, joy and if you ever turn away for a second you may live with a thorn in your side longer than you can ever think you can endure it! And theN the choice is yours. But we humans you see have a tendency to hold on to pain because its familiar, afraid to let go because we may not like where we are but this is my Box and I dont want to leave it. So stop and think if what you think you want is really worth loosing your will to fight and even worse your will to think your not even worth fighting for. So you just give up! Its no game people. wake up! and Im talking to me too! No I havent backslidden I have just caused myself a lot of pain and I know that and have known it all in search for happiness! What you say Kim Dunn? Come on dont a 1 of you try to tell me you have never been human before. lol But this world can never supply the happiness, joy, and peace that God can supply to us. I know this I just have to grab hold of it and stop trying to find it with my mind because satan can plant things in our minds. We have to put on the whole armor of God and allow Him to do it for us while we STAND PROTECTED By the full armor of God, so that we are able to withstand the fiery darts. So put on the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Im praying for all of you as I know you pray for me. Lets overcome Goodnight
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:19:13 +0000

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