At the end of summer around out house at the end of that dirt road - TopicsExpress


At the end of summer around out house at the end of that dirt road there was a corn field that went from a solid deep green to a honey gold color every year that I can remember. Being an only child I would enlist my grandfather to come and play hide and seek with me in that corn field. It was great fun as my grandfather was a quiet as any human being could imagine. I wanted so badly to be like him in that respect. So one day I decided that I would be the one to find him. Out into the corn field he went and I waited for about a minute or two until all had gone quiet. Then as careful as I could I walked into that corn field to find him. This went on for about 20 minutes when finally exhausted I yelled “I give up Grandpa Bill, you win you are really good at hiding from me.” To my surprise there was no reply. I waited and held my breath but he never responded to me. I panicked and ran out of the corn field straight to my Aunts house to tell my Aunt Sylvia that grandpa Bill was missing. All three of my aunts came with me and began calling him but there was no reply. Aunt Dula checked at the house but he wasn’t there. Finally, my dog Tinkerbell began to bark as she had found him. The heat was too much and he must have passed out. Between my aunts and myself we got him home and we were able to revive him with cold compresses and also cool water. Grandma Cleo was concerned so Aunt Sylvia got her car out and took him over to see Dr. Wilson in Crystal Lake. I was so sad and felt very responsible for all of this. But my grandmother reassured me that in the midst of life there is death. Just like the beautiful golden corn stalks that we played in that corn stalk is getting ready to die as we harvest its seeds. I was relieved when grandpa came walking back in the house looking kind of tired but smiling still the same. I ran over to him and hugged him so tightly that I thought I would never let go. The next day the three of us sat underneath the beautiful Oak tree that we had in the back of our small pink house. We talked about life…and death…and the love we shared. I knew this was my “time” to grow and understand. Life was green for me right at that moment and as for them, well, it was autumn and they were bright with all the colors of their lives that they had lived. How blessed I was to have known them and to have loved them. How blessed I am now, to share all of this with you, in the autumn of my life….Margie
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 02:25:39 +0000

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