At the meeting of the TDLG this morning we had two visitors from - TopicsExpress


At the meeting of the TDLG this morning we had two visitors from Chadwell Memory clinic in Torbay who announced a new project that they had been working on for THREE years now and was just starting up. They are going to do a SURVEY of a few care homes in Torbay and the staff/residents what they could better? then they are going to appoint Dementia champions (But not the same ones as the Alzheimer`s does now) but different ones, but with the same name, confused ? Its gets better Then, after, all this they are going to award a certificate to the home to say they have all listened to the newly appointed dementia champions and also issue a little BADGE But!! Only to 16 care homes, and there are over 600 In Torbay!!! SOUND FAMILIAR ??LOLL And it still gets better Then they said that all the information they use for the care homes is being downloaded from the Alz soc webpages or re inventing the wheel as i call it Only to be added that even though its taken THREE YEARS to get this going, they only have funding for one year and HOPE they get more after !!!! My reply ???? I didnt have one !! The Any Questions after the talk was eerily quiet, sometimes my friends, just sometimes, Silence Is strength They knew what i knew, and what you wonderful people out there have been doing for months and the difference you have made, and still make, has been immense. So i had nothing to say to them, but will say this too you all. The booklet we now give out was thought about a mere 8 months ago, and complied by Chantelle Oswin Jane Moore and myself, it was funded by healthwatch Torbay and hit the care homes three weeks ago. And i do mean ALL care homes in Torbay not just 16!!! It has also been asked for and sent to all four corners of the world and is being acted upon as we speak. Whilst i agree 100% that any awareness raising is better than none, what it is about these people who will not work together and save time and money. Money that could have been better directed into other projects i`m sure. Sorry, now stepping off soapbox LOL but sometimes ?? SHEESH !!!!! LOL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:02:02 +0000

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