At the meeting tonight in Clydebank Town Hall. Nothing out of the - TopicsExpress


At the meeting tonight in Clydebank Town Hall. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that it was a political meeting. Clydebank a young town by any standards, a town built on shipbuilding, sewing machines and many associated industries. A town with a heritage of Labour Party domination, a town built on social justice and caring for its fellow man. Some may not see the same Clydebank that I do, however no matter what political persuasion you are from you must see the change. At a meeting in the Town Hall, an open meeting with doors open to all not one Labour politician was present. Complacency is a quick way to lose votes, where are the people who ate off of the votes of Clydebank? Do they feel that by hiding from the electorate that the problem will go away. Ed Milliband had a closed meeting a couple of weeks ago in the same hall, this has been a predominantly Labour town for most of its 120 odd year history, why are they missing? If they wont answer, I will. They are skulking, hoping that by being negative in their responses and deriding the people attempting to make a better society, a caring society, an affluent society. They hope to reap the benefit of a Conservative/ UKIP alliance in a following election. Begone ye laggards do not darken the doorstep of proud and conscientious people. Where are you when they need you? Clydebank get your arse into gear and chase these neerdowells from your community. After a vote for Independence, find new socialists, socialists who care for you and yours not the arsewipes pretending to be your friends. You deserve better. Do not ask for a retraction I mean every word.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:57:49 +0000

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