At the post office: a woman is there to ask whether or not she can - TopicsExpress


At the post office: a woman is there to ask whether or not she can recycle stamps from returned mail even though there were scribbles all over the stamps. Apparently all of her wedding invites didnt make it to their respective destinations and out of frugality was hoping to recycle. The PO employee politely explained that the stamps were cancelled after an attempt to deliver the invitations to addresses that didnt exist or lacked enough detail (like say street or apartment numbers) and that shed have to apply new stamps in order to resend the invites. This was apparently not the answer the woman wanted to hear, so she tried to rephrase the question a different way. The rephrasing garnered the same response. Again, unhappy with not being able to reuse cancelled stamps, she began the whole dance anew. All the while, the woman became angrier and ruder with each go around. Finally, after the fifth iteration of the same question, and after discovering for absolute certain that they didnt have replacements for her precious wedding stamps (I know Im bothered by wedding invites that dont have wedding-themed stamps), she quit dealing with that employee in a huff and proceeded directly to cut in front of the substantial line so she could immediately begin dealing with another employee instead. Cutting the line, of course, caused those who werent already bothered by how awful she was being to turn against her, as well. During her heated discussion with the second clerk, she began indirectly bashing the previous clerk to the point where people began to murmur audibly and turned into an outright confrontation between the woman and the first clerk who had been professional and polite the entire time and continued to be throughout. After not being able to take it anymore, I finally asked, really? Clearly expecting me to be on her side, the woman smugly turned around to bask in the support that wasnt forthcoming. I followed up by simply asked her why she needed to be so rude and was immediately backed up by several people in line whod also heard the entire exchange. Quickly her smugness turned into self-defensive lashing out and she began to make fun of me the way an 8-year-old might, even using that mush-mouthed mockery employed by so many children. Meh meh myeh meh meh. This woman was in her mid-twenties at least, but Id put her age a little closer to thirty were there money on it. Her mental age however... Anyway, after being denied the things she clearly wanted out of her trip to the post office, she then spent the next fifteen minutes waiting to talk to a supervisor so she could make a formal complaint. The post office employees understandably stonewalled her until she went away, never giving her their names and not providing a number to call. For my part, I left my name and number should anything come of it. The whole thing was pretty astonishing and it was the worst exhibition of passive aggression, open aggression and rudeness rolled into one that Ive seen since moving to Seattle. I daresay that most New Yorkers I know would have been left completely agog. Thing is, rudeness aside, if this is how she deals with adversity and confrontation, I cannot fathom how her marriage is going to work out for her. If its true that we tend to hurt the ones we love and this is how she treats strangers, then I can only imagine what her partner must go through... or soon will.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:57:06 +0000

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