At the risk of being polarized as a Yankee, N...loving, terrorist - TopicsExpress


At the risk of being polarized as a Yankee, N...loving, terrorist (we invaded our own country apparently during the Civil War & are likened to Osama by some here if you affiliate with the North in ANY way), I simply challenge everyone following this event to consider ALL sides within a greater global picture. PLEASE someone tell me to go back to where I came from as is often stated to those who question how things are done around here. After today, I just might. As a parent, preachers wife/church leader and educator in this community, I am disgusted and embarrassed. I want our community to be known for greater things than this! Give me a banner saying that and Ill wave it at you. Everyone says heritage, not hate, & promotes the Confederate Flag observance as valuable due to history. I feel that. However, if we are going to talk TRUE history, lets not cut & paste. Why dont we also re-enact the decades of slavery, lynchings, poverty, prejudice, injustice, white hooded bullying, imbalance of power & BOTH black and white blood tragically spilled when our country split in two and fought itself...much like we see today again. The media coverage & those protesting are NOT doing that. After all that has divided our country this year, is this really necessary? Interesting how the media doesnt mention or picture the dozens of people standing outside peoples personal homes protesting any connection with the town council decision to not fly Confederate flags in Lexington. No one mentions the KKK presence & recruiting literature that is evidenced every year after this event occurs or the uncomfortable heckling & horn blowing that was going on today (mostly from those with out of state plates) as people walked through town (myself included). Lets interview the family whose children came home from school to see a dozen grown men waving flags in front of their house! Lets honor history! Will anyone videotape or interview the uncomfortable, heads down position of many minority residents & college students walking through town today? My students past & present? Colleagues? Our church college students who are minorities? Lets get a shot of the innocent face of children wondering what all the ruckus is about. Why do I see no reference to the outright call to boycott Lexington businesses by the Flaggers site. You lose my respect when you contradict yourself & try to intimidate the innocent, hard working American worker or college student trying to better themself. One cant emphasize the importance of honoring Lexington because of its significance to Lee & Jackson out of one side of ones mouth than attempt to hurt innocent small business owners trying to make a living in that very same town with the same voice. There are much better ways for Lexington to get on the news. Lets honor the soldiers who have fallen by all means from decades ago but not at the cost of ignoring todays soldier, who is still alive & defending the right for any of us to wave flags & express our opinion in the first place. Interesting the claims on many sites that I see claim Lees grave has been desecrated yet research shows that Lee did not request or desire the Rebel Flag (its other name) to be a large part of life after the war because he felt it was time to move forward towards unity, not backwards towards division. A wise man! Reminds me of another wise man Ive heard about in American history whose influence is celebrated this very week...Martin Luther King.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 06:49:08 +0000

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