At this point I would like to take you back now to the first time - TopicsExpress


At this point I would like to take you back now to the first time I attempted meditation. I found it difficult as my mind was talking away within the silence of my own attention. A load of self talk was constantly running like a broken record and kept replaying on the back of my mind. In fact, my mind never shut up. My mind would colour everything from experiences from the past or would imagine things before they would happen. Also I noticed that when I recalled these experiences I relived the feelings that were associated with them. There was an inner resistance operating against my objective of stilling the mind. On investigation, this inner resistance, I found was built on what I accepted as truth. It was also based on what I believed as truth. So at the start I faced the impossible task of stilling the mind. I used to talk to others about how to still the mind. This became a pre-occupation with me. I studied loads of methods and concepts about how this might be done. This search kept my focused on mastering this ability. After a lot of trial and error, I started to realize that the breath and the distance between breaths supported me in stopping the onslaught of chatter and noise which stopped me enjoying the silence. I also experiment with the tongue within my mouth. I tried to curl my tongue and also focus on different tongue positions. I noticed when my attention was on my breaths, the mind did quietened down. I used to hold my breaths for short intervals of ten seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds. I noticed that when I did this there was no thoughts as my full focused was in the now moment. It is neither going to the past or anticipating the future. Then I use to breath through one side of my nose and also rotated this to the other. All this did give me new experiences and over time, I developed a method which allowed me to master stillness. To this I added a mirror exercise and watched my face change . I used to experience over lays of different faces while doing these exercises. So now I just “breathe in love” which I feel running through my body like a river. I call this the “diamond river of light” as the first time I experienced this energy flowing through my body, my inner silence seemed to be prompting me that this was the “diamond river of light”. Feeling the flow and the ecstasy of love and the wisdom the silence prompts me to breathe out the fear. With my attention and focus firmly on breathing my mind learned to be still. The Christ self within my heart chamber releases fears and false truths back to God. In so doing creates a sense of peace and joy where my whole body responds by each cell expanding to receive the love from “all that is”. So breath work is important to still the mind. In fact it is the first step to mastering the ability to travel inwards to the higher dimension of consciousness. Once you have mastered a steady flow of in breathe and out breathe, you can then use guided imagery in association with the inner Christ contact to create healing and transformation of your perceived wounded self. A lot of people now are becoming more aware of energy pulsating within their being. Some are more aware than others but all are wakening up to a new reality. I became aware of my multi-dimensional bodies while I was still a teenager. Over the course of my life, I have realized that we live in a multiple diverse universe that comprises of three dimensional bodies. The first body is called the physical, the second body the astral and the third body called the causal. I also realized that there is a corresponding awareness of mind when one acquires access to these bodies. For the purpose of this article, I want to discuss the lower astral and my experience of what now has become to me an inner knowing of the fear and the bonding to fear that keeps all those inhabitants living a after life of grief, pain, sadness and fear. From very early on in my childhood, I have experienced energy centres within my body. It was later that I realized that these centres were called “chakras”. I used to hear people talking about the seven chakras. “Chakras” are energy centres for controlling the vital energy and the various systems of energy channels. The purpose of these chakras is to facilitates the interchange between neighbouring dimensional bodies. I now wish to explain what I have learned about the lower astral body and the level of awareness that is associated with it. When we are born we bring the seeds of fear and turmoil emotions of fear to be equilibrating by returning to the aspects of love within our hearts. Through many lifetimes, we have bonded to vibration of fear and fear related emotions which we claim and possessed as being us as apposed to being the guidance system to guide us to change our focus away from these deficient ideas and thoughts . The “Law of Attraction” always bring us our co-created energy of the past to be re-qualify with love and acceptance.. Jesus said, “ Be ye perfect as my Father in heaven”. To re-qualify the misguided thoughts that the ego has bombard us with since we were born, it is necessary to have a means to do this. Jesus went up the mountain a lot so says the gospel, , or I believe he practiced meditation to communicate with the Father. So going up the mountain was ebullient to raising his awareness to higher thoughts through meditation. The ego driven person believes that it is a separate entity. Hence it has to lie to protect its self as It also has to defend its self as if feels separate and vulnerable So all actions, thoughts and judgements of feelings become attachment which bond us to limitation and to the wheel of life. Attachment happens when one accepts that they are separate from “All That Is”. Hence, the false Christ “the ego “ based of awareness is constantly blocked in ignorance of the true Christ self within the heart centre, your true nature which is your divine self. So our life is bonded to opportunity to re-qualify the energy of attachment by loving life free. But without awareness, karma is incurred with every thought, action, deed and feeling that is entered upon by you as an individual. Put it another way, the astral body holds within itself the seeds to attract or repulse certain experiences that give you an opportunity to be non-judgemental which allows unconditional love to be nurtured within your heart centre where the spiritual Christ self grows to maturity of its divine being. The astral body is divided into two parts. The first part is the “Lower Astral”. I have found those that inhabit this realm and level of awareness are lost souls. Since all thoughts create reality and this reality is energized by feelings which are co-creative by the law of unconditional love and the law of receptivity i.e., “The Law of Attraction”. I know and have experienced the predominant fear and sense of lack of love that the beings in this lower realm focused on. In other words, these beings are very much like when they were here in this plain as what stored in the heart will manifest.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:35:52 +0000

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