At universities from Glasgow to Kolkata, economics students are - TopicsExpress


At universities from Glasgow to Kolkata, economics students are fighting their tutors over how to teach the subject in the wake of the crash. The Guardians senior economics commentator, Aditya Chakrabortty, reports from the frontline of this most unusual and important academic war. ... .. . Here is their suggested reading list: Dr Ha-Joon Chang • Herbert Simon: Reasons in Human Affairs (Stanford University Press 1983) • Phyllis Deane: The State and the Economic System: An Introduction to the History of Political Economy (Opus 1989) Rob Johnson • Frank Knight: Risk Uncertainty and Profit (1921); On the History and Methods of Economics (1956) • John Maynard Keynes: General Theory (1936); A Treatise on Probability (1921) • Rajani Kanth: Breaking with the Enlightenment (NJ Humanities Press 1997) • Stuart Ewen: PR!: The Social History of Spin (Basic Books 1998) Professor Steve Keen • Hyman Minsky: Can It Happen Again? (Routledge 1982) • John Blatt: Dynamic Economic Systems (Routledge 1983) • Karl Marx: Grundrisse (1939) Professor Diane Coyle • John McMillan: Reinventing the Bazaar - A Natural History of Markets (Norton 2003) • Thomas Schelling: Micromotives and Macrobehaviour (Norton 1978) Dr Victoria Bateman • John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (chapter 12) • Avner Offer: The Challenge of Affluence (OUP 2006) • Mariana Mazzucato: The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths (Anthem Press 2013) Professor Wendy Carlin • David Soskice and Peter Hall (ed): Varieties of Capitalism (OUP 2001) • Paul Seabright: The Company of Strangers: a Natural History of Economic Life (PUP 2004) Professor Philip Mirowski nakedcapitalism or larspsyll.wordpress Lord Robert Skidelsky • Josh Ryan-Collins, Tony Greenham, Richard Werner and Andrew Jackson: Where Does Money Come From? A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System (New Economics Foundation 2014) • Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig: The Bankers New Clothes: Whats Wrong with Banking and What to Do About It (Princeton University Press 2013) • Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee: The Second Machine Age: Work Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies (WW Norton 2014) Dr Devrim Yilmaz • Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation (1944) Professor Danny Quah • Edward Tufte: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Graphics Press 2001) • Paul Kennedy: The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 (Random House 1989) • Jared Diamond: Guns, Germs, and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years (Vintage 1998) Yuan Yang, Rethinking Economics • Tony Lawson: Economics and Reality (Routledge 1997) Joe Earle, Post-Crash Economics Society • George Packer: The Unwinding (Faber 2014) • Rod Hill and Tony Myatt: The Economics Anti-Textbook: A Critical Thinkers Guide to Economics (Zed 2010)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:16:58 +0000

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