At what point will people wake up and realize that EVERYTHING on - TopicsExpress


At what point will people wake up and realize that EVERYTHING on television, ESPECIALLY the news, is no more than a written script, played out to manipulate and control you? How could we be played over and over again WITH THE SAME EXACT SCRIPT, just different actors (and a lot of times the background actors are the same). Yet we still somehow believe it is real. Ok, for those without a clue, the Brown/Ferguson script is the same script as the Martin/Zimmerman script which is the same script as a million other cases even going as far back as the Cant we all just get along script. People, they create these scenarios to cause racial disharmony and to cause black folks to destroy their areas and businesses so we will never unite and get ahead. THEY DONT WANT US TO UNITE AMONG OURSELVES OR WITH OTHER RACES. Division keeps us weak. Unity makes us strong so there must be none of that. They cant wait to call Martial Law so they can take away more of your rights, which you dont really have in the first place. Will we ever wake up and see the manipulation? Or will this continue forever? Oh, wait.. next we will march as if that actually does something because in the 60s they made us think it did. Sorry. Marching does absolutely nothing at all. Never have. Never will. UNLESS it is backed by making the decision TO ONLY BUY BLACK OR TO UNITE WITH OTHER RACES OF PEOPLE. But they already know we will never do that because those in the entertainment industry, who are hired by the powers that be, have programmed us to spend our money on things that will never profit us, and we are too blind to see. I pray, one day before I leave this earth, our people will WAKE UP. (Ok, getting off my soap box and getting ready for work. )
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:28:52 +0000

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