At yesterdays Gathering, a friend of mine, Jolene attended in - TopicsExpress


At yesterdays Gathering, a friend of mine, Jolene attended in hopes of getting messages from her family. I have read Jolene in the past, it is how we met. I love that her family members came through with New healing messages for her, though we have connected before... Her Father came through first. He started by saying Book. Her Dad is an Author of numerous Books and I already knew this... It was his way of telling me who he is. He then mentioned the Fender on Jolenes car. She cried as she told us that someone had hit the fender of her car just 2 weeks ago and she hadnt told me about it. He brought up Oatmeal and Jolene laughed and said, yes, I eat Oatmeal every Morning. (Her dad gave these messages so that she knows he watches over her. You see, she didnt know him well in life, and so the messages he gives her are current for what she has going on in her life now.) Jolenes Sister briefly chimed in as well. Her Sister is in Heaven because she was Murdered... She brought up the Wind Chimes and Jolene broke down as she told us that she has a collection of wind chimes packed in a box.... Her Sister also told me they look very much alike in the eye area and Jolene said My Niece tells me all the time how much I look like her Mom her Sister then brought up Jolenes Tongue... Jolene has a habit that no one else would have known about with her tongue... But, her Sister knew. I woke up this morning Singing Let it Be and knew her Sister would be here today... Finally, her Mom came through... Her mom told me that Jolene has a Diary of hers with her personal writing and it that she has saved. Jolene cried as she told us that she does have moms Journal and that she was just reading it last night! I am including the pictures of the Journal and writings that Jolene sent me. Mom also told me that Jolene has Nick Nacks of hers saved and a bracelet. Jolene held up her wrist and showed us that she was in fact wearing the bracelet from her Mom and that she does have nick nacks at home as well. Jolene said to me.. I wonder why my Mom hasnt brought up my Daughter, because they were so close After Jolene left the gathering, I sent her a private message that said Did your daughter JUST loose a tooth? She replied OMG, YES! .... You see.... Her Mom wasnt about to leave out that Beautiful Granddaughter of hers.....
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:06:55 +0000

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