Atheism is an act of the human will “against” theism. Whether - TopicsExpress


Atheism is an act of the human will “against” theism. Whether the will of the atheist is moved by the intellect or passions which are in turn moved by circumstances and ethos, is crux of the debate; so it seems to me at this moment. The atheist Christopher Hitchens (May he rest in peace) argued quite clearly that, “The modern atheist does not (cannot) disprove the existence of God but simply argues that God and the things of God are irrelevant to his moral choices.” ** As such, humans are not born “atheists” or “theists” for that matter. Humans are not dualistic in nature. Humans are not born possessing innate knowledge upon birth. Although that was Socrates’ and Plato’s position (Platonism). It is a position which influences a number of people or should I say still hold to that idea. A number of prominent modernists and empiricist were Platonist such a Descartes and John Locke. They believe that man was his soul and not body and soul. I do not hold a Platonist position for various reasons including the teaching of my Catholic Faith. Aristotle stated that humans (political animals) possess knowledge through their senses and do not possess innate knowledge. Certitude grows with the proper use of the senses and through experience. In other words, the proper knowledge of things is the result of interacting with the material universe properly. Aristotle argued that the faculty of knowledge comes through senses (body) and that understanding - the ability to reason the relation of images into ideas and expressions of wisdom - resided or operated in the soul which is the “form” of the body. Aristotle taught that the human soul actualized the potency of knowledge giving rise to understanding which in turn moved the human will towards one thing or another definitely. Note: Faith based upon Divine Revelation moves the intellect and the will of man toward assent without complete understanding. That is why theology is identified as “Faith seeking Understanding.” This is somewhat jargon but fundamentally means that the human will is moved after knowledge is gained. But Aristotle stated that an incomplete knowledge of something is no knowledge at all (or maybe that was Socrates). Aristotle argued that the proper knowledge of something required knowing the four causes of the thing: material, formal, efficient, and final cause. This full knowledge of the thing answers the question “What is the substance of the thing?” and not simply “What are the accidentals of the thing?” This later state of knowledge is what the materialist settles for in their quest of knowing the universe. It is as Aristotle would say, “An incomplete knowledge of the universe.” ** To gain a knowledge of the four causes of a thing requires time and formation. That is a key point, time and formation. ** Human are born (all things being normal) with a natural desire to know not simply the accidents of things but the thing in itself (its substance). Humans as such are not born to be Materialists (Nominalists) but to be Universalists (Catholics) by nature. Children begin exploring the world by touching, tasting, seeing, smelling, and hearing. In this sense, children do express an important materialist or nominalist beginning (accidents are immediately important). Children then continue to explore their world choosing to become Universalists by asking, “What is this? “Where did this come from?” Why is this thing this and not that?” and very ethically importantly asking, “Is this mine or yours?” and “Do I need this?” and “Does this make me happy?” The child is no longer satisfied with the nominalist or materialist view of the world but begins to express a wonder towards the world. At this stage the child is not simply asking questions about rocks but about existence and most importantly their own existence. Knowing one’s own existence helps to understand one’s own identity, “Where do all things come from?” “How do I fit in this world of existence?” “Why do some things make me sad and some things make me happy?” and “Why is it I chose from time to time those things which do not bring me happiness?” “Who am I really?” ** As such, the importance of identity requires knowing the material, formal, efficient and final cause of one’s own existence (being). It is obvious based upon the observation of children without any prejudice, that humans by nature are born Metaphysicians, Natural Theologians (Philosophers). The thing that religion (Divine Revelation) does is move the human person from the status of a natural theologian to a supernatural theologian. I think it is obvious that humanity is born with a natural inclination and desire to be theists and not atheists. ** The Catholic Church teaches that the human person can know with certainty that God exists through the gift of reason. The Catholic Church teaches that the human person CAN NOT know the substance or nature of God without Divine Revelation. In other words, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Porphyry and alike using reason knew with certainty there was one Supreme Being which they identified as the artificer, the good, the one, the unmoved mover, and the unity. They could not using reason alone know with certainty if “God” was interested in humanity or that God was Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Catholics know God with an illuminated certainty as a result of Faith (assent of the intellect and will) in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Word (Logos). In other words, Faith illuminates Reason. ** Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Porphyry and alike were not “atheist” and naturally from birth directed towards “theism.” In fact, it is arguable that all things being normal, the child given enough time and using reason alone would naturally become a “theist.” Actually, to the minds of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Porphyry, an “Atheists” was simply a sophist, a person who possessed no usable knowledge. ** Going back to my previous point about time and human development, it is important to recognize that unlike the brute animals that do not reason, nature gifted (or demanded) that the child be absolutely dependent upon his or her parents for an excessive duration of time prior to being able to step out on its own so to speak. Let us say for argument that the time duration is post puberty somewhere between 15 to 17 years. Nature demanded that the psychological formation of the child and the child’s knowledge of the world around it both nominal (accidental and material) and universal (substance) take place within the confines of family (mother and father), tradition, custom, culture, and religion (system of belief) for 15 to 17 years. This is key! ** At no time in recorded human history was man not religious. Humanity was recognized to be religious even in the most primitive of burials, paintings, and cave artifacts. Humanity was a religious animal before he was a political animal. If religion is natural to humanity (and historically this is so) and nature so designed human structure such that the critical formation of a child takes a long time within a family which is normatively religious, then by logical consequence, nature intended the child to be religious a “theist” and not an “atheist.” Does this mean all religion is equal? Certainly not. ** Catholic Church teaches that God’s grace builds upon human nature. Nature is a creature of God, a reflection of His wisdom. God willed the family to be the normative formation of the human person. The time spent immersed in human tradition, custom, culture, and religion (system of belief) was in the mind and wisdom of God from the beginning; something He would never rebuke. God established a covenant with the 1st family, calling them to be fruitful and multiply and to walk with Him in the Garden as friends. God wanted to form humanity within a tradition, custom, culture, and religion (system of belief) rooted in Truth, Goodness, Love, Life, Blessing, and Wisdom. Instead our first parents by free will chose to doubt the goodness of God and believed a lie instead. In essence, our 1st parents made an initial step towards “atheism” through an act of pride and disobedience. It seems that “atheism” remains simply the acceptance of a lie which can be nurtured in a family, society, and educational system run by humans who choose to live a lie. ** God did not abandon humanity and time and time again sent prophets to remind our parents of their original identify and dignity and to hold fast to the promise of something greater, the coming of a Messiah. God made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah through their loins formed a people which were to be a blessing to the world and from whom would come the Messiah. God established with the descendants of Abraham a new convent in Moses, giving them the public revelation of the Natural Law (Ten Commandments) and the promise to be with them always. God called them to be a holy people and kingdom of priests. They were to overcome sin (sin means to miss the mark, law means to aim) and to prepare the nations for the coming of the Messiah. In the fullness of time, God the Father sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus who was born of the Virgin Mary, born under the law to redeem those who believe in Him from the curse of the law. Being baptized into the life of Jesus the Messiah, humans become adopted sons and daughters of God. God brings about in and through the person of Jesus what Aristotle understood to be humanity’s final cause and desire (happiness). Aristotle could not know by reason alone that the happiness promised to humanity consisted of abiding in God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) for all eternity.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 05:57:56 +0000

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