Atheism is neither a choice nor an opinion. It is a conclusion - TopicsExpress


Atheism is neither a choice nor an opinion. It is a conclusion based on the available evidence. When it comes to children, always tell the truth. There is nothing out there that confirms or validates the existence of any god and science, archaeology indicates that man invented god/s in many cultures for many reasons. Even with modern judeism, Islam and Christianity, there is no basis or foundation for any of it. They take it on faith and without a shred of evidence. The fact that many people out there share a delusion, believing all that jewish mythology as if it were true, does not certify it as a fact. Once upon a time the entire world believed the earth was flat and some who challenged it were executed. Turns out they were right! The fact that there is zero evidence to prove their imaginary god is real IS evidence that he does not exist. Look at it this way: your child cries in terror at night, claiming there is a monster under his bed. You check under the bed and do not find one. That is pretty good evidence the monster is imaginary. They cant just assume there was a creator simply because they cannot understand fully the phenomenon of nature. When they say stupid things like: it was god!, they cannot verify or produce any kind of evidence. That is stupid. Archaeological evidence indicates man invented god/s for many reasons and they all make outrageous claims. What makes them think jesus is any different from odin, thor, isis, osiris, horus, metzli, jupiter, zeus, etc..??? It is not! For their jesus to be even possible, it is contingent upon supernatural events, which are no more than stories of the imagination and open to many differing interpretations. And... they have zero evidence to back any of it up!!! Turning water into wine, a woman getting pregnant without a mans sperm, walking on water, a talking snake, raising the dead, the building of an ark to hold and feed one of each species for more than a year, a woman transforming into a pillar of salt, a man swallowed alive by a whale for several days, and resurrection...... These outrageous, untrue and impossible claims are nothing more than story-telling myths and should be the very first clue that the bible is not a newspaper from the past and in no way evidence of a god. Every claim christianity holds on to as evidence has been soundly debunked, therefore, they have nothing to believe in. Yet, they still believe. That is absolute ignorance at its worst. Archeologists and ancient history scholars, including bible scholars, have discovered that even jesus is a fictitious character and parallels many other ancient stories that pre-date jewish mythology. Every claim from their bible has been debunked so quoting from the bible is pointless. That is exactly like someone trying to use Star Wars to prove Yoda or the death star or using Harry Potter books to prove wizardry or Hogwarts or quidich. So if all they have is the bible, they have nothing just lost the debate with me. What is amusing is that religious nuts reject science as just opinions as opposed to recognizing it as the factual conclusions based on investigations, observations and hard work that science is but believe all the outrageous claims and myths from the bible without a shred of evidence and without questioning it. The bible is mythological. The story of that imaginary god, jesus is overwhelmed with contradictions and parallels many ancient myths and stories such as osiris and horus. All these characters performed magic, preached, claimed to be the son of god and were crucified. Your jesus is just another fictional fable. There is absolutely nothing to confirm it as reality. What makes them think it is reality, that it is the real god? Babies are born to many different families in many cultures. Some are primitive, still living without modernization in South America & Africa. Some have never been exposed to christianity, islam, judeism or budhism. Each baby inherits belief from its parents & become its own. How can they all be right as they point to one another? They cant all be right so that alone dismisses the existence of gods. Theyre all based on cultural myths as ridiculous/outrageous as the next. All these beliefs are born of fear and NOT at all founded on reality. If you are born somewhere in the United States to a christian family, you will inherit those beliefs and grow up with the arrogance that everyone who is different is beneath you and that you can do no wrong because as a christian you are forgiven and saved. If you are born to a muslim family somewhere in Iran, you will inherit those beliefs and grow up believing that those who live and believe differently should be killed and you will justify it in the name of god. If you are born to a jewish family in NY or Israel, you will inherit those beliefs and grow up believing you are superior to others and even isolate yourself from other cultures. If you are born to a family in the Amazon who has never even seen a pencil, you will grow up with beliefs beyond your current understanding. Are they all wrong as they point to one another? Whose beliefs are correct and righteous? This whole polytheism thing is evidence of mans great imagination. The belief in a god is entirely based on myth. Religion was simply built around it and has become a world-wide multi-million dollar business. Man invented god to fill in the gaps before he had science for valid answers. Weve come a long way since the time man believed epileptic seizures were demonic possession & that volcanic eruptions were the wrath of the gods or that thunder was the wrath of the gods. Faith is a daydream that comforts those in despair but no more than that. Lies! Fact 1: they do not have any evidence that supports the existence of their god. Fact 2: having been determined to be entirely mythological, the bible’s been proven to be non admissible as evidence for anything, overwhelmed with contradictions & open to many interpretations. Fact 3: in order for their god to be possible, its contingent on supernatural beliefs which again, they cannot prove. Fact 4: feelings do not count as evidence for their god. Fact 5: they’re blind with belief & closed to the reality that there’s no god. Fact 6. they are the product of the lies they teach in church which is why they reject science and observations as just opinions.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:09:41 +0000

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