Atheist Christmas? We have been inundated by atheists on the - TopicsExpress


Atheist Christmas? We have been inundated by atheists on the radio, TV, news magazines and the internet about how our wishing them a Merry Christmas is offensive to them. Gee! I feel so guilty. They would not mind if I simply wished them Happy Holidays. Are they unaware that the word “Holiday” was derived from combining the words “Holy” and “day?” I wonder if these same folks would be insulted by my wishing them a Happy Halloween. I wonder if they know that Halloween is a religious holiday celebrated by the Paleopagan Druids to mark their new calendar year, and is also celebrated by Western Christians as All Hallows Eve (eventually contracted into “Hallow-e’en”), a celebration of Christian Saints. This makes it a double religious celebration. How offended should they be about that? Yet, I have never heard one word of complaint from atheists when they are wished a Happy Halloween. Then there is Easter. This is another of the double religious holidays. It is honored by Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ proclaiming the conquering over death for all those who believe in Him. Easter also incorporates many pagan or pre-Christian traditions that celebrate the first day of spring. Scholars believe the name probably comes from Ēastre, the Anglo-Saxon name of a Germanic goddess of spring and fertility. Traditions associated with her festival survive today in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in eggs, dyed with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring. At any rate, these double religious aspects are a definite no-no for atheists. They must be in a terrible funk at this time of year. God knows that I don’t want to put ideas into the heads of proactive atheists, but I’m afraid that Halloween and Easter will be next on their list of attacking the observance of religious holidays in America. They should just get a life. Don’t they have anything more important to do than to attack the sacred beliefs of their neighbors? I didn’t even know there was a movement afoot to train Evangelistic Atheists. Google the internet sometime and you will find a host of followers. It is starting to get scary. I can almost feel my civil rights dwindling away. I don’t usually rant. I guess that people who are easily offended put me in an offensive mood. I just want to block their punch and counter. If there is anything I learned from my Karate training, it is that the best defense is sometimes a quick and decisive offense, and I am definitely in a defensive mood. Thomas Jefferson reminds us that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” One of the reasons I like my fraternity, Phi Delta Kappa, is that they bar atheists and fools from membership in the fraternity. Their “Book of Laws” is the Christian Bible. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can only pray that this atheist organization doesn’t take us to court to try to force us to rewrite our Phi Delta Kappa Constitution to allow them in. Do we still live in America with the right of Free Speech and free thought? We are losing our rights, one by one to those who do not agree with our founding fathers and choose to decimate their constitution. Our country is being split down the middle over controversial differences. If this happens I will choose to stand and fight for the America I grew up with and the Christian principles upon which she was founded. Her liberties are worth dying for.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:34:10 +0000

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