Athena Jones Case What the evidence reveals in this case, and - TopicsExpress


Athena Jones Case What the evidence reveals in this case, and what we all witnessed with our own eyes, is the Highest Crime that can be committed in America. Athenas alleged crimes pale in comparison to what we all saw happen in Cochise County. This is not trampling the Constitution underfoot, they literally ripped the Constitution up into little pieces and threw it into the wind. There has probably never been a time in Cochise Countys history that any people have witnessed the blatant acts of Treason by all three branches at the same time. Here Ill just give an overview of what we have witnessed in this case. It is not a small matter. What they committed is Treason. We often think that word means turning over government secrets to a foreign enemy. This is worse. They committed, which by definition means: the crime of betraying ones country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. Justice Mathews wrote the most thought provoking words. Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, it is the author and the source of the law; and in our system, while the sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.”Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886) The Sovereignty Justice Mathews refers to is The United States Constitution. It governs everything in America. From the Constitution flows all laws that are written in agreement with it and all the procedures of how the two governments operate. The Cochise County government-judicial-police system in a real and verifiable way, committed Treason against the Sovereignty - United States Constitution, against the Sovereignty of We the People, in the Athena Jones case. They refused to allow the Constitution to be applied to her case. The Sovereignty, or Absolute Authority of the Constitution stood in their way, so they threw it in the trashcan, so they could make a one sided presentation to the Jury, which was only what they wanted the Jury to hear, so they could get their false conviction. Those in each of the three branches of the Cochise County governmental stricture made a conscious decision to Keep Athena From Receiving Due Process: One of the most famous and perhaps often quoted definitions of due process of law, is that of Daniel Webster in his Dartmouth College Case in which he declared that by due process is meant: A law, which hears before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgment only after trial. (4 Wheat 518); (State v. Strasburg, 60 Wash. 106, 112-113; 117-119; 110 P. 1020 (1910) Dennis vs. Moses, 52 P. 333), and, No one shall be personally bound (imprisoned) until he has had his day in court, by which is meant, until he has been duly cited to appear and has been afforded an opportunity to be heard. Judgment without such citation and opportunity lacks all the attributes of a judicial determination; it is judicial “usurpation and it is oppressive” and can never be upheld where it is not fairly administered. (12 Am. Jur. [1st] Const. Law, Sect. 573, Pg. 269). Further, Due process of law requires, that a party shall be properly brought into court, and that he shall have an opportunity when there, to prove Any Fact which, according to the constitution and the usages of the common law, would be a protection to him or his property. (People ex rel. Witherbee v. Supervisors, 70 N.Y. 228, 234) Using evidence that Reibschied is a liar, and bringing in the witness that wrote the statement that revealed he lied in a traffic citation, is A Fact Athena had a right to have the jury hear. Other evidence that brought into question Reibschieds truthfulness about what happened in her case is also A Fact Athena had a right to have the jury hear. Those knowing about that evidence in all three branches conspired to not allow Athena to present that Factual Evidence to the jury. The Sovereignty that the United States Constitution demanded of them in their functions that she be given the opportunity to present that Factual Evidence to the jury. The conspirators usurped, or placed themselves in a position of authority over the Authority of the Sovereign Constitution, after taking an oath to uphold the Constitution that governs their positions and, by overthrowing it, not submitting themselves to their Absolute Authority, they each committed Treason by definition.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:20:56 +0000

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