Athens Messenger 7/28/13 TANKER TRUCKS RUINING THE ROAD: Editor, - TopicsExpress


Athens Messenger 7/28/13 TANKER TRUCKS RUINING THE ROAD: Editor, The Messenger: We live on State Route 144 in Coolville, Ohio (the new dumping grounds for all things having to do with gas and oil well disposal). My husband and I sit on our porch in our old 1896 farm house and watch all the bright red brine tanker trucks go by each and every day; “refreshing” for two senior citizens on a bright sunny day, wouldn’t you agree? Not all the trucks are painted red, though and have the word “brine” painted on them. We see a variety of sizes and shapes of tankers go by during the daylight hours. Nighttime is another category altogether. I believe another of your letters from Ms. Sandra Sleight-Brennan offered a possible future “accident waiting to happen” involving these trucks and a school bus on State Route 144. I think she may be a “see-er”. State Route 144 runs along the Hocking River between Coolville and Stewart. The school buses have to travel this narrow, two-lane route to get to and from Federal Hocking High School every day during school hours. Along, with deer and various other hazards on this route, we really do need tanker trucks full of hazardous wastes joining us on this tiny country road! Now let me regress to the mention of night-time trucking ... You might wonder what could be contained in those big trucks when they pass your quiet country home at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 o’clock in the darkness of night. I do. They have to slow down for the narrow curvy bridge right before they pass our home, so I hear the “JakeBreak” come on as they reach that bridge. Can you imagine a school bus meeting one of those tanker trucks during a foggy morning in the fall? Just stop and think about that possibility. Yes, I have called the ODNR that covers Athens County. I talked with a very nice lady there this afternoon via the telephone. She assured me that a Mr. Scott would be contacting me for further information about my concerns. Now rest assured that I do know a little about dealings with politicians of all ranks. Yes, I myself, had to deal with state oficials and employees of government facilities back in the early 1990s. Yes, I am an “old hippie environmental terrorist” from the CCCA (Concerned Citizens of the Coolville Area). In fact, I am an old comrade of Mrs. Karen Thorne (in case any of you remember that old battle waged in Coolville). I am to Karen Thorne what Pancho was to Cisco; what Tonto was to The Lone Ranger (not the 2013 Lone Ranger, you understand — I am speaking of the real Lone Ranger of the 1950s.) So from my rocking chair on the front porch, along the peaceful Hocking River, I must bid you a hearty “Hi Yo, Silver. Away” until my next venture in print. This is just a preview of coming attractions from the old front porch of an old warrior. So stay tuned ... you never know what adventures may be coming next along the Hocking River. Dorothy J. Rader Coolville����
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 16:53:05 +0000

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