Athens was a very dark, messed up, and spiritually deceived place. - TopicsExpress


Athens was a very dark, messed up, and spiritually deceived place. Ive had the privilege of being there...standing in the midst of the multitude of monuments built to a multitude of false gods. If there was ever a place that seemed out of reach for the message of Christ, Athens would be it. Someone would have to be crazy to even try. Enter Paul. He was crazy...just crazy enough to believe that the Jesus who transformed his messed up, spiritually deceived life could do the same thing in this city. He started sharing his story...reasoning with them about the things of Christ. Not surprisingly, most thought he was a joke. But, some believed and experienced the power of, joy, and life to the full. (See Acts 17:16-34) Eventually, the story of this crazy guy...and the multitude of crazies that ultimately believed him...changed this city...the world. How did it happen? Simple. No matter how hopeless, crazy it seemed, Paul did what Jesus told him to do. Go into all the world and make disciples. You will be my witnesses. His simple obedience changed lives...a hopeless city...a world lost in darkness. We live in the same kind of world. Jesus gave us the same instructions. I wonder what would happen if we did what Paul did. What if we just obeyed Jesus, and, regardless how crazy it seemed or made us look, we told our story...we shared the truth about Jesus? Im, I know..some lives would be forever changed. And, who knows but that God would do the same thing our world...that he did back Pauls world. Transform it...from a hopeless, lost, spiritually deceived world...into a world filled with faith, love, and hope. Well never know until we try. And, what do we have to lose? Nothing! Our only loss comes when we disobey...when we dont go and tell. Im thinking its time to swing for the fences. Its time to come out of hiding. Its time to share our story. His name is Jesus. He can do today what he did yesterday. But, it starts with someone sharing the story. So, whats your story?
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:06:40 +0000

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