Attached is the Instagram version of the Money In The Toilet video - TopicsExpress


Attached is the Instagram version of the Money In The Toilet video from 2014 Convention. This video add comic relief to the fact and competitive advantage of isotonix over pills, capsules and tablets. The purpose is to get someone’s attention through humor to get a major point. When one buys vitamins in the form of pills and has to swallow them they need to be digested as they are not isotonic and require Hydrochloric acid and digestive inters to breaks them down and deal with the filers and binders so that it can went the small intestines to be absorbed. Not only does this alter the molecular structure of the vitamins or nutrients so that they do not work, they often will not be recognized or accepted by receptors that then absorb the nutrient or vitamin. The resow is compromised absorption, usually less than 505 and then the remained along with wasted fillers and binders are excreted out in urine or feces. A wonderful thought. Additionally it take substantially linger to get into the system and has lower bioavailability or )effective use once in the blood). This comical video does not address the one other point that Most Vitamin Shop products in the shelf do not use the clinical doses that were used to establish the benefits of the product from the research literature. So whine someone heard of the nutiri-ceutical ingredient and the wonderful effect it had on one’s health or physiology – the research may have produced that result on 300 mg dose, however the dose in the product is only 30 mg and therefore will not produce the desired result the read or heard about! So if someone is not taking isotonic they are literally flushing the product they paid for down the toilet or the money could have gone directly in the toilet because the vitamin they bought is cooing though the body and out the other end in the toilet. So — a little shock treatment – “wake up call to explain why isotonic are superior and different! Don’t flush your money down the toilet. Get isotonic and get what you paid for and feel the result. HAVE FUN WITH THIS AND WAKE SOME PEOPLE UP. Hoe can you use this? This also great for landing pages, email marketing, blogs, the new UFO recruiting selling site. KEEP GROWING JR
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:02:06 +0000

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