Attacked by an assailant, you may move (interact) to intercept the - TopicsExpress


Attacked by an assailant, you may move (interact) to intercept the attack at a point - or points - of intersection. Timing is crucial to the success of your interception. Your opponent gives you targets of opportunity. It is up to you to take advantage of the moment - to seize the opportunity. You must make the most of the moment. Whats gone is gone. Whats done is done. It cannot be redone. It cannot be undone. Using the attackers arm, as an example, we know there are usually two of them. Therefore, we must be ready to deal with one (left or right) or both. Singularly. Alternatingly. In succession. Or together. (We may also find ourselves dealing with a third limb, or our opponents body itself or other parts of it - including head, shoulder, elbows, knees, hip, butt and the like.) At what point do you merge, bridge or cross the gap with your opponent? That depends on you working against your opponent. You may be attacked, you may attack or you may both attack. Your attack may well be your simultaneous defense as well. Knowing you may connect at any point or part of the arm - including its base which is most often overlooked - you will realize there are countless options available to you. So, too, are there even more when you consider the rest of the body is connected to the arm.... Important to consider ribs, collarbone, pectoralii major, serratus anterior, and more. Fingernails, fingers, finger-joints, thumb, back of hand, bones of hand, fist, wrist, carpal tunnel, forearm, elbow, elbow bend, elbow joint, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, muscles, biceps, triceps, brachial plexus nerve, lateral group antibrachial, medial group antibrachial, axilla and the rest. Do this (consideration) with all the parts of the body. Before you leave one part of it, see where you are at - and how easy it is to strike at or into exposed or unprotected areas of it. Fights do NOT have to go on. They also do not have to be predictable. When you are predictable, you are beatable. There is the pause. And there is the flow. There are the thoughts. And there are the deeds.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:04:49 +0000

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