Attacks on the Home The home is a divine institution. In fact, it - TopicsExpress


Attacks on the Home The home is a divine institution. In fact, it is the first divine institution. The government, and the church, God’s other divine institutions, came along later. The home is a safe haven where security and love provide a place of peace and rest. It is an educational center because we are to teach and train our children. It is a unit of society that gives stability to society. Now for the past several years a concerted effort has been put forth to destroy the home. This attack has come from many quarters, but nowhere more viciously than from the various feminist movements. If you doubt this, please read the following: "We must destroy love. Love promotes vulnerability, dependence, possessiveness, susceptibility to pain, and prevents the full development of women’s human potential by directing all her energies outward in the interest of others." This is a quotation from the Women’s Liberation Movement. The founder of N.O.W. signed the Humanist Manifesto II which says, "no deity will save us, we must save ourselves. Promises of immortal salvation or fear of eternal damnation are both illusory and harmful." In the declaration of feminism, The Document, it is stated, "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women." It is further stated, "The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore, it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live ‘individually’ with men." The work goes on to say that we must work to destroy marriage. These quotations could be multiplied by the hundreds. However, this is sufficient to show that there has been a concerted drive in the past to destroy the home. Although there are some now regretting the stance they took in the 1970s, there are others who are just as militant as ever. Satan does not ever really give up. ________________________________________ The Home Is God’s First Divine Institution ________________________________________ I am certain in my own mind that the home will not be destroyed. However, if we are not careful, many individual units may continue to be destroyed, or severely damaged. Let us not think that Satan has let up. I can assure you he has not. Let us be aware of the dangers that threaten us, and take those actions that will make the home strong. With God on our side we will survive. – Max Patterson, 4438 South 89th Road, Bolivar, MO 65613-8012
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:19:14 +0000

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