Attadanda Sutta:The Rod Embraced When embraced, the rod of - TopicsExpress


Attadanda Sutta:The Rod Embraced When embraced, the rod of violence[1] breeds danger & fear: Look at people quarreling. I will tell of how I experienced dismay. Seeing people floundering like fish in small puddles, competing with one another — as I saw this, fear came into me. The world was entirely without substance. All the directions were knocked out of line. Wanting a haven for myself, I saw nothing that wasnt laid claim to. Seeing nothing in the end but competition, I felt discontent. And then I saw an arrow here, so very hard to see, embedded in the heart. Overcome by this arrow you run in all directions. But simply on pulling it out you dont run, you dont sink.[2] [Here the trainings are recited.] [3] Whatever things are tied down in the world, you shouldnt be set on them. Having totally penetrated sensual pleasures, sensual passions,[4] you should train for your own Unbinding. Be truthful, not insolent, not deceptive, rid of divisiveness. Without anger, the sage should cross over the evil of greed & avarice. He should conquer laziness, weariness, sloth; shouldnt consort with heedlessness, shouldnt stand firm in his pride — the man with his heart set on Unbinding. He shouldnt engage in lying, shouldnt create a sense of allure in form, should fully fathom conceit, and live refraining from impulsiveness; shouldnt delight in whats old, prefer whats new,[5] grieve over decline, get entangled in whats dazzling & bright.[6] I call greed a great flood; hunger, a swift current. Preoccupations are ripples; sensuality, a bog hard to cross over. Not deviating from truth, a sage stands on high ground : a brahman. Having renounced All,[7] he is said to be at peace; having clearly known, he is an attainer-of-wisdom; knowing the Dhamma, hes independent. Moving rightly through the world, he doesnt envy anyone here. Whoever here has gone over & beyond sensual passions — an attachment hard to transcend in the world, doesnt sorrow, doesnt fret. He, his stream cut, is free from bonds. Burn up whats before, and have nothing for after. If you dont grasp at whats in between,[8] you will go about, calm. For whom, in name & form, in every way, theres no sense of mine, and who doesnt grieve over what is not: he, in the world, isnt defeated, suffers no loss.[9] To whom there doesnt occur This is mine, for whom nothing is others, feeling no sense of mine-ness, doesnt grieve at the thought I have nothing. Not harsh, not greedy, not perturbed, everywhere in tune: this is the reward — I say when asked — for those who are free from pre- conceptions. For one unperturbed — who knows — theres no accumulating. Abstaining, unaroused, he everywhere sees security.[10] The sage doesnt speak of himself as among those who are higher, equal, or lower. At peace, free of selfishness, he doesnt embrace, doesnt reject, the Blessed One said. Notes 1. Nd. I: The rod of violence takes three forms: physical violence (the three forms of bodily misconduct), verbal violence (the four forms of verbal misconduct), and mental violence (the three forms of mental misconduct). See AN 10.176. 2. Nd. I: One doesnt run to any of the destinations of rebirth; one doesnt sink into any of the four floods of sensuality, views, becoming, and ignorance (see SN 45.171 and AN 4.10). 3. This phrase, a kind of stage direction, seems to indicate that this poem had a ritual use, as part of a ceremony for giving the precepts. 4. Sensual pleasure, sensual passions: two meanings of the word kama. 5. Nd. I: Old and new mean past and present aggregates. 6. Nd. I: whats dazzling & bright = craving and other defilements. 7. For the definition of All, see the discussion in The Mind Like Fire Unbound, pp. 31-32. 8. Nd. I: Before, after, and in between = past, future, and present. 9. Isnt defeated, suffers no loss — two meanings of the Pali phrase, na jiyyati. LEAD all these sentient beings lead all these sentient beings in reciting the refuge prayer three times: I take refuge until I am enlightened In the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha. Through the positive potential I create by practicing generosity and the other far-reaching attitudes, May I attain buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. Requests and Inspiration From your heart, generate the request to the Buddha that he grant you inspiration to follow the path to full enlightenment; make this request on behalf of all living beings who are trapped in samsara. Rays of light stream from the figure of the Buddha before you. This light enters your body and quickly removes all negativities, obscurations and hindrances, freeing you to progress quickly on the path. Imagine that this light flows not only to you, but to all living beings situated in space around you. Imagine that they all receive such inspiration and blessings as you recite the name mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha as many times as possible.... What is a Mantra A mantra is a sequence of words or syllables that are chanted, usually repetitively, as part of Buddhist practice. An example of a mantra is om mani padme hum, which is associated with Tibetan Buddhism. The function of a mantra is understood differently by the several schools of Buddhism, but at its most basic level, the chanting of a mantra is thought to evoke enlightenment. Sometimes mantras are used as a form of meditation Mantras for you to listen Om_Mani_Padme_Hum Avalokitesvara Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect. It is often carved into stones, and placed where people can see them. Shakyamuni mantra Shakyamuni Mantra Oṃ muni muni mahāmuni śākyamuni svāhā Om muni muni mahamuni shakyamuni svaha Shakyamuni (the sage of the Shakyan clan) is the historical Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama. Shakyamuni was almost certainly the first enlightened figure to be visualized. There’s a beautiful passage in the Sutta Nipata (an early Buddhist text) where Pingiyatalks about how he is never separated from the Buddha. He says that at any time he wishes he can see and hear his teacher, even though he lives hundreds of miles from where the Buddha dwells. Shakyamuni’s mantra is a play on his name. Muni means sage. Mahameans great. So the mantra reads “Om wise one, wise one, greatly wise one, wise one of the Shakyans, Hail!” Also this mantra is commonly found in the following form: Om muni muni mahamuni shakyamuniye svaha This form has the name of Shakyamuni in the dative form, so that it reads “Om wise one, wise one, great wise one, to the wise one of the Shakyanshail!” This is actually the more common form of the mantra in Sanskrit, although in Tibetan the mantra is in the “Tibeticized” version of the shorter form given above: Om muni muni maha muni shakyamuni soha – “soha” being the Tibetan rendering of “svaha.” Amitabha Mantra Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ. To overcome all obstacles & hindrances This is the sacred mantra of BUDDHA AMITABHA which protects you from dangers and obstacles, and overcomes all hindrances to your success. The mantra enhances your compassionate and loving nature bringing incredible blessings each time you recite the mantra OM AMI DEWA HRIH Recite the mantra 108 times a day to ensure rebirth in Amitabha’s pure land. WhiteTaraMantraCircle White Tara Mantra Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Mama Ayuḥ Punya Jñānā Puṣtiṃ Kuru Svāhā White Tara (Sitatara) is associated with long life. Her mantra is often chanted with a particular person in mind. She’s another representation of compassion, and she’s pictured as being endowed with seven eyes (look at the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and her forehead) to symbolize the watchfulness of the compassionate mind. White Tara Mantra graan tara Green Tara Mantra OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA Tara mantra is often used to overcome physical, mental or emotional blockages and also blockages in relationships. Green Tara is very active and steps down to help all the beings. Only thing required is that we need to resign and let go of our clinging to a particular outcome, because, to cling to a particular outcome is often self-defeating, as it creates unhappiness and agitation, particularly when it involves other people. The more we have Tara’s non-grasping attitude the more happy we are. When chanting the Tara mantra, we need to let go and bring the energy back into ourselves. This will generate immense inner peace and clarity. Green Tara Mantra medicinebuddha Medicine Buddha Mantra short form: Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha BeKanze Radza Samudgate Soha The Medicine Buddha mantra is recited for success. Since we have many problems and want to succeed we need to recite the Medicine Buddha mantra every day. It can help us eliminate the problems, unhappiness and suffering we don’t want and gain the success, happiness, inner growth and realizations of the path that we do. Lord Buddha told his attendant Ananda that even animals who hear the Medicine Buddha mantra will never be reborn in the lower realms. The highly attained Kyabje Chöden Rinpoche, who has completed the entire path to enlightenment, said recently that if you recite the Medicine Buddha mantra at the time of death you will be reborn in the pure land. Therefore, it is to be recited not only for healing but also to benefit people and animals all the time, whether they’re living or dying. medicine buddha mantra Manjushri Mantra Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih This mantra is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one’s skills in debating, memory, writing, and other literary abilities. “Dhīḥ” is the seed syllable of the mantra and is chanted with greater emphasis and also repeated a number of times as a Decrescendo. vajrapani mantra Vajrapani mantra Om Vajrapani Hum Vajrapani doesn’t, to many newcomers to Buddhism, look very Buddhist at all. He is a Bodhisattva who represents the energy of the enlightened mind, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. Vajrapani is pictured dancing wildly within a halo of flames, which represent transformation. He holds a vajra (thunderbolt) in his right hand, which emphasizes the power to cut through the darkness of delusion. Vajrapani looks wrathful, but as a representation of the enlightened mind, he’s completely free from hatred. vajrapani Vajrapani’s mantra is simply his name, which means “wielder of the thunderbolt”, framed between the mystical syllables Om and Hūm. This mantra helps us to gain access to the irrepressible energy that Vajrapani symbolizes. A familiarity with Vajrapani does, of course, help here, although the sound of the mantra is itself rather energetic. The Companions of The Right Hand! We did indeed send, Before thee, apostles To their (respective) peoples, And they came to them With Clear Signs: then, To those who transgressed, We meted out Retribution: And it was due from us To aid those who believed. It is God Who sends The Winds, and they raise The Clouds: then does He Spread them in the sky As He wills, and break them Into fragments, until thou seest Rain-drops issue from the midst Thereof: then when He has Made them reach such His servants as He wills, Behold, they do rejoice!— Even though, before they received (The rain)—just before this— They were dumb with despair! Then contemplate (O man!) The memorials of Gods Mercy!— How He gives life To the earth after Its death: verily the Same Will give life to the men Who are dead: for He Has power over all things. And if We (but) send A Wind from which They see (their tilth) Turn yellow,—behold, They become, thereafter, Ungrateful (Unbelievers)! So verily thou canst not Make the dead to hear, Nor canst thou make The deaf to hear The call, when they show Their backs and turn away. 53. Nor canst thou lead back The blind from their straying: Only those wilt thou make To hear, who believe In Our Signs and submit (Their wills in Islam). It is God Who Created you in a state Of (helpless) weakness, then Gave (you) strength after weakness, Then, after strength, gave (you) Weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills, And it is He Who has All knowledge and power. On the Day that The Hour (of reckoning) Will be established, The transgressors will swear That they tarried not But an hour: thus were They used to being deluded! But those endued with knowledge And faith will say: Indeed ye did tarry, Within Gods Decree, To the Day of Resurrection, And this is the Day Of Resurrection: but ye— Ye were not aware! So on that Day no excuse Of theirs will Avail the Transgressors, Nor will they be invited (then) To seek grace (by repentance). Verily We have propounded For men, in this Qur-ān. Every kind of Parable: But if thou bring to them Any Sign, the Unbelievers Are sure to say, Ye Do nothing but talk vanities. Thus does God seal up The hearts of those Who understand not. So patiently persevere: for Verily the promise of God Is true: nor let those Shake thy firmness, who have (Themselves) no certainty of faith. When the Event Inevitable Cometh to pass, Then will no (soul) Entertain falsehood Concerning its coming. (Many) will it bring low; (Many) will it exalt; When the earth shall be Shaken to its depths, And the mountains shall Be crumbled to atoms, Becoming dust scattered abroad, And ye shall be sorted out Into three classes. Then (there will be) The Companions of The Right Hand;— What will be The Companions of The Right Hand? And the Companions of The Left Hand,— What will be The Companions of The Left Hand? And those Foremost (In Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter). These will be Those Nearest to God: In Gardens of Bliss: A number of people From those of old, And a few from those Of later times. (They will be) on Thrones Encrusted (with gold And precious stones), Reclining on them, Facing each other. Round about them will (serve) Youths of perpetual (freshness), With goblets, (shining) beakers, And cups (filled) out of Clear-flowing fountains: No after-ache will they Receive therefrom, nor will they Suffer intoxication: And with fruits, Any that they may select; And the flesh of fowls, Any that they may desire. And (there will be) Companions With beautiful, big, And lustrous eyes,— Like unto Pearls Well-guarded. A Reward for the Deeds Of their past (Life). No frivolity will they Hear therein, nor any Taint of ill,— Only the saying, Peace! Peace. The Companions of The Right Hand,— What will be The Companions of The Right Hand? (They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Ṭalḥ trees With flowers (or fruits) Piled one above another,— In shade long-extended, By water flowing constantly, And fruit in abundance. Whose season is not limited, Nor (supply) forbidden, And on Thrones (of Dignity), Raised high. We have created (their Companions) Of special creation. And made them Virgin-pure (and undefiled),— Beloved (by nature), Equal in age,— For the Companions Of the Right Hand. A (goodly) number From those of old, And a (goodly) number From those of later times. 41. The Companions of The Left Hand,— What will be The Companions of The Left Hand? (They will be) in the midst Of a fierce Blast of Fire And in Boiling Water, And in the shades Of Black Smoke: Nothing (will there be) To refresh, nor to please: For that they were wont To be indulged, before that, In wealth (and luxury), And persisted obstinately In wickedness supreme! And they used to say, What! when we die And become dust and bones, Shall we then indeed Be raised up again?— (We) and our fathers of old? Say: Yea, those of old And those of later times, All will certainly be Gathered together for the meeting Appointed for a Day Well-known. Then will ye truly,— O ye that go wrong, And treat (Truth) as Falsehood!— Ye will surely taste Of the Tree of Zaqqūm. 53 Then will ye fill Your insides therewith, And drink Boiling Water On top of it: Indeed ye shall drink Like diseased camels Raging with thirst! Such will be their entertainment On the Day of Requital! It is We Who have Created you: why will ye Not witness the Truth? 30. The Jews call ’Uzair a son Of God, and the Christians Call Christ the Son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but imitate What the Unbelievers of old Used to say. Gods curse Be on them: how they are deluded Away from the Truth! 31. They take their priests And their anchorites to be Their lords in derogation of God, And (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; Yet they were commanded To worship but One God: There is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him (Far is He) from having The partners they associate (With Him). p. 449 32. Fain would they extinguish Gods Light with their mouths, But God will not allow But that His Light should be Perfected, even though the Unbelievers May detest (it). 33. It is He Who hath sent His Apostle with Guidance And the Religion of Truth, To proclaim it Over all religion, Even though the Pagans May detest (it). 34. O ye who believe! There are Indeed many among the priests And anchorites, who in falsehood Devour the substance of men And hinder (them) from the Way Of God. And there are those Who bury gold and silver And spend it not in the Way. Of God: announce unto them A most grievous penalty— p. 450 35. On the Day when heat Will be produced out of That (wealth) in the fire Of Hell, and with it will be Branded their foreheads, Their flanks, and their backs. —This is the (treasure) which ye Buried for yourselves: taste ye, Then, the (treasures) ye buried! 36. The number of months In the sight of God Is twelve (in a year) So ordained by Him The day He created The heavens and the earth; Of them four are sacred: That is the straight usage. So wrong not yourselves Therein, and fight the Pagans p. 451 All together as they Fight you all together. But know that God Is with those who restrain Themselves. 37. Verily the transposing (Of a prohibited month) Is an addition to Unbelief: The Unbelievers are led To wrong thereby: for they make It lawful one year, And forbidden another year, In order to adjust the number Of months forbidden by God And make such forbidden ones Lawful. The evil of their course Seems pleasing to them. But God guideth not Those who reject Faith. SECTION 6. 38. O ye who believe! what Is the matter with you, That, when ye are asked To go forth in the Cause of God, Ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life Of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort Of this life, as compared With the Hereafter. p. 452 39. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you With a grievous penalty, And put others in your place; But Him ye would not harm In the least. For God Hath power over all things. 40. If ye help not (your Leader), (it is no matter): for God Did indeed help him, When the Unbelievers Drove him out: he had No more than one companion: They two were in the Cave, And he said to his companion, Have no fear, for God Is with us: then God Sent down His peace upon him, And strengthened him with forces Which ye saw not, and humbled To the depths the word Of the Unbelievers. But the word of God Is exalted to the heights: For God is Exalted in might, Wise p. 453 41. Go ye forth, (whether equipped) Lightly or heavily, and strive And struggle, with your goods And your persons, in the Cause Of God. That is best For you, if ye (but) knew. 42. If there had been Immediate gain (in sight), And the journey easy, They would (all) without doubt Have followed thee, but The distance was long, (And weighed) on them. They would indeed swear By God, If we only could, We should certainly Have come out with you: They would destroy their own souls; For God doth know That they are certainly lying. p. 454 SECTION 7. 43. God give thee grace! Why Didst thou grant them exemption Until those who told the truth Were seen by thee in a clear light, And thou hadst proved the liars? 44. Those who believe in God And the Last Day ask thee For no exemption from fighting With their goods and persons. And God knoweth well Those who do their duty. 45. Only those ask thee for exemption Who believe not in God And the Last Day, and Whose hearts are in doubt, So that they are tossed In their doubts to and fro. 46. If they had intended To come out, they would Certainly have made Some preparation therefor; But God was averse To their being sent forth; So He made them lag behind, And they were told, Sit ye among those Who sit (inactive). 47. If they had come out With you, they would not p. 455 Have added to your (strength) But only (made for) disorder, Hurrying to and fro in your midst And sowing sedition among you, And there would have been Some among you Who would have listened to them. But God knoweth well Those who do wrong. 48. Indeed they had plotted Sedition before, and upset Matters for thee,—until The Truth arrived, and the Decree Of God became manifest, Much to their disgust. 49. Among them is (many) a man Who says: Grant me exemption And draw me not. Into trial. Have they not Fallen into trial already? And indeed Hell surrounds The Unbelievers (on all sides). 50. If good befalls thee, It grieves them; but if A misfortune befalls thee, They say, We took indeed Our precautions beforehand, And they turn away rejoicing. p. 456 51. Say: Nothing will happen to us Except what God has decreed For us: He is our Protector: And on God let the Believers Put their trust. 52. Say: Can you expect for us (Any fate) other than one Of two glorious things— (Martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you Either that God will send His punishment from Himself, Or by our hands. So wait (Expectant); we too Will wait with you. 53. Say: Spend (for the Cause) Willingly or unwillingly: Not from you will it be Accepted: for ye are indeed A people rebellious and wicked. 54. The only reasons why Their contributions are not Accepted are: that they reject God and His Apostle; That they come to prayer Without earnestness; and that They offer contributions unwillingly. 55. Let not their wealth rats Nor their (following in) sons p. 457 Dazzle thee: in reality Gods Plan is to punish them With these things in this life, And that their souls may perish In their (very) denial of God. 56. They swear by God That they are indeed Of you; but they are not Of you: yet they are afraid (To appear in their true colours). 57. If they could find A place to flee to, Or caves, or a place Of concealment, they would Turn straightway thereto, With an obstinate rush. 58. And among them are men Who slander thee in the matter Of (the distribution of) the alms: If they are given part thereof, They are pleased, but if not, Behold! they are indignant! 59. If only they had been content With what God and His Apostle Gave them, and had said, Sufficient unto us is God! God and His Apostle will soon Give us of His bounty: To God do we turn our hopes! (That would have been the right course). p. 458 SECTION 8. 60. Alms are for the poor And the needy, and those Employed to administer the (funds); For those whose hearts Have been (recently) reconciled (To Truth); for those in bondage And in debt; in the cause Of God; and for the wayfarer: (Thus is it) ordained by God, And God is full of knowledge And wisdom. 61. Among them are men Who molest the Prophet And say, He is (all) ear. Say, He listens to what is Best for you: he believes In God, has faith In the Believers, and is a Mercy To those of you who believe. But those who molest the Apostle Will have a grievous penalty. 62. To you they swear by God. In order to please you: But it is more fitting That they should please God and His Apostle, If they are Believers. p. 459 63. Know they not that for those Who oppose God and His Apostle, Is the Fire of Hell?— Wherein they shall dwell. That is the supreme disgrace. 64. The Hypocrites are afraid Lest a Sūra should be sent down About them, showing them what Is (really passing) in their hearts. Say: Mock ye! But verily God will bring to light all That ye fear (should be revealed). 65. If thou dost question them, They declare (with emphasis): We were only talking idly And in play. Say: Was it At God, and His Signs, And His Apostle, that ye Were mocking? 66. Make ye no excuses: Ye have rejected Faith After ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, For that they are in sin. SECTION 9. 67. The Hypocrites, men and women, (Have an understanding) with each other: p. 460 They enjoin evil, and forbid What is just, and are close With their hands. They have Forgotten God; so He Hath forgotten them. Verily The Hypocrites are rebellious And perverse. 68. God hath promised the Hypocrites Men and women, and the rejecters, Of Faith, the fire of Hell: Therein shall they dwell: Sufficient is it for them: For them is the curse of God, And an enduring punishment,— 69. As in the case of those Before you: they were Mightier than you in power, And more flourishing in wealth And children. They had Their enjoyment of their portion: And ye have of yours, as did Those before you; and ye Indulge in idle talk As they did. They!— Their works are fruitless In this world and in the Hereafter, And they will lose (All spiritual good). 70. Hath not the story reached them Of those before them?— The people of Noah, and ’Ād, And Thamūd; the people p. 461 Of Abraham, the men Of Midian, and the Cities overthrown. To them came their apostles With Clear Signs. It is Not God Who wrongs them, But they wrong their own souls. 71. The Believers, men And women, are protectors, One of another: they enjoin What is just, and forbid What is evil: they observe Regular prayers, practise Regular charity, and obey God and His Apostle. On them will God pour His mercy: for God Is Exalted in power, Wise: 72. God hath promised to Believers, Men and women, Gardens Under which rivers flow, To dwell therein, And beautiful mansions In Gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss Is the Good Pleasure of God: That is the supreme felicity. p. 462 SECTION 10. 73. O Prophet! strive hard against The Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, And be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,— An evil refuge indeed. 74. They swear by God that they Said nothing (evil), but indeed They uttered blasphemy, And they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated A plot which they were unable To carry out: this revenge Of theirs was (their) only return For the bounty with which God and His Apostle had enriched Them! If they repent, It will be best for them; But if they turn back (To their evil ways), God will punish them With a grievous penalty In this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth To protect or help them. 75. Amongst them are men Who made a Covenant with God, That if He bestowed on them Of His bounty, they would give (Largely) in charity, and be truly Amongst those who are righteous. p. 463 76. But when He did bestow Of His bounty, they became Covetous, and turned back (From their Covenant), averse (From its fulfilment). 77. So He hath put as a consequence Hypocrisy into their hearts, (To last) till the Day whereon They shall meet Him: because They broke their Covenant With God, and because they Lied (again and again). 78. Know they not that God Doth know their secret (thoughts) And their secret counsels, And that God knoweth well All things unseen? 79. Those who slander such Of the Believers as give themselves Freely to (deeds of) charity, As well as such as can find Nothing to give except The fruits of their labour,— And throw ridicule on them,— God will throw back p. 464 Their ridicule on them: And they shall have A grievous penalty. 80. Whether thou ask For their forgiveness, Or not, (their sin is unforgivable): If thou ask seventy times For their forgiveness, God Will not forgive them: Because they have rejected God and His Apostle: and God Guideth not those Who are perversely rebellious. SECTION 11. 81. Those who were left behind (In the Tabūk expedition) Rejoiced in their inaction Behind the back of the Apostle Of God: they hated to strive And fight, with their goods And their persons, in the Cause Of God: they said, Go not forth in the heat. Say, The fire of Hell Is fiercer in heat. If Only they could understand! 82. Let them laugh a little: Much will they weep: p. 465 A recompense for the (evil) That they do. 83. If, then, God bring thee back To any of them, and they ask Thy permission to come out (With thee), say: Never shall ye Come out with me, nor fight An enemy with me: For ye preferred to sit Inactive on the first occasion: Then sit ye (now) With those who lag behind. 84. Nor do thou ever pray For any of them that dies, Nor stand at his grave; For they rejected God And His Apostle, and died In a state of perverse rebellion. 85. Nor let their wealth Nor their (following in) sons Dazzle thee: Gods Plan Is to punish them With these things in this world, And that their souls may perish In their (very) denial of God. p. 466 86. When a Sūra comes down, Enjoining them to believe In God and to strive and fight Along with His Apostle, Those with wealth and influence Among them ask thee For exemption, and say: Leave us (behind): we Would be with those Who sit (at home). 87. They prefer to be with (the women), Who remain behind (at home): Their hearts are sealed And so they understand not. 88. But the Apostle, and those Who believe with him, Strive and fight with their wealth And their persons: for them Are (all) good things: And it is they Who will prosper. 89. God hath prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow, p. 467 To dwell therein: That is the supreme felicity. SECTION 12. 90. And there were, among The desert Arabs (also), Men who made excuses And came to claim exemption; And those who were false To God and His Apostle (Merely) sat inactive. Soon will a grievous penalty Seize the Unbelievers Among them. 91. There is no blame On those who are infirm, p. 468 Or ill, or who find No resources to spend (On the Cause), if they Are sincere (in duty) to God And His Apostle: No ground (of complaint) Can there be against such As do right: and God Is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 92. Nor (is there blame) On those who came to thee To be provided with mounts, And when thou saidst, I can find no mounts For you, they turned back, Their eyes streaming with tears Of grief that they had No resources wherewith To provide the expenses. 93. The ground (of complaint) Is against such as claim Exemption while they are rich. They prefer to stay With the (women) who remain Behind: God hath sealed Their hearts; so they know not (What they miss). p. 469 94. They will present their excuses To you when ye return To them. Say thou: Present No excuses: we shall not Believe you: God hath already Informed us of the true state Of matters concerning you: It is your actions that God And His Apostle will observe: In the end will ye Be brought back to Him Who knoweth what is hidden And what is open: Then will He show you The truth of all That ye did. 95. They will swear to you by God, When ye return to them, That ye may leave them alone. So leave them alone: For they are an abomination, And Hell is their dwelling-place,— A fitting recompense For the (evil) that they did. 96. They will swear unto you, That ye may be pleased with them, But if ye are pleased with them, God is not pleased With those who disobey. 97. The Arabs of the desert Are the worst in unbelief And hypocrisy, and most fitted To be in ignorance Of the command which God Hath sent down to His Apostle: But God is All-Knowing, All-Wise. 98. Some of the desert Arabs Look upon their payments p. 470 As a fine, and watch For disasters for you: on them Be the disaster of Evil: For God is He that heareth And knoweth (all things). 99. But some of the desert Arabs Believe in God and the Last Day, And look on their payments As pious gifts bringing them Nearer to God and obtaining The prayers of the Apostle. Aye, indeed they bring them Nearer (to Him): soon will God Admit them to His Mercy: For God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. SECTION 13. 100. The vanguard (of Islam)— The first of those who forsook (Their homes) and of those Who gave them aid, and (also) Those who follow them In (all) good deeds,— Well-pleased is God with them, As are they with Him: p. 471 For them hath He prepared Gardens under which rivers flow, To dwell therein for ever: That is the supreme Felicity. 101. Certain of the desert Arabs Round about you are Hypocrites, As well as (desert Arabs) among The Medina folk: they are Obstinate in hypocrisy: thou Knowest them not: We know them: Twice shall We punish them: And in addition shall they be Sent to a grievous Penalty. 102. Others (there are who) have Acknowledged their wrong-doings: They have mixed an act That was good with another That was evil. Perhaps God Will turn unto them (in mercy): For God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 103. Of their goods take alms, That so thou mightest Purify and sanctify them; And pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source Of security for them: And God is One Who heareth and knoweth. p. 472 104. Know they not that God Doth accept repentance from His votaries and receives Their gifts of charity, and that God is verily He, The Oft-Returning, Most Merciful? 105. And say: Work (righteousness): Soon will God observe your work, And His Apostle, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back To the Knower of what is Hidden and what is open: Then will He show you The truth of all that ye did. 106. There are (yet) others, Held in suspense for the command Of God, whether He will Punish them, or turn in mercy To them: and God Is All-Knowing, Wise. 107. And there are those Who put up a mosque p. 473 By way of mischief and infidelity— To disunite the Believers And in preparation for one Who warred against God And His Apostle aforetime. They will indeed swear That their intention is nothing But good; but God doth declare That they are certainly liars. 108. Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation Was laid from the first day On piety; it is more worthy Of thy standing forth (for prayer) Therein. In it are men who Love to be purified; and God Loveth those who make themselves pure. 109. Which then is best?—he that Layeth his foundation On piety to God And His Good Pleasure?—or he That layeth his foundation On an undermined sand-cliff Ready to crumble to pieces? And it doth crumble to pieces With him, into the fire Of Hell. And God guideth not People that do wrong. 110. The foundation of those Who so build is never free p. 474 From suspicion and shakiness In their hearts, until Their hearts are cut to pieces. And God is All-Knowing, Wise. SECTION 14. 111. God hath purchased of the Believers Their persons and their goods; For theirs (in return) Is the Garden (of Paradise): They fight in His Cause, And slay and are slain: A promise binding on Him In Truth, through the Law, The Gospel, and the Qur-ān: And who is more faithful To his Covenant than God? Then rejoice in the bargain Which ye have concluded: That is the achievement supreme. p. 475 112. Those that turn (to God) In repentance; that serve Him, And praise Him; that wander In devotion to the Cause of God; That bow down and prostrate themselves In prayer; that enjoin good And forbid evil; and observe The limits set by God;— (These do rejoice). So proclaim The glad tidings to the Believers. 113. It is not fitting, For the Prophet and those Who believe, that they should Pray for forgiveness For Pagans, even though They be of kin, after it is Clear to them that they Are companions of the Fire. 114. And Abraham prayed For his fathers forgiveness Only because of a promise He had made to him. But when it became clear To him that he was An enemy to God, he Dissociated himself from him: For Abraham was most Tender-hearted, forbearing. 115. And God will not mislead A people after He hath p. 476 Guided them, in order that He may make clear to them What to fear (and avoid)— For God hath knowledge Of all things. 116. Unto God belongeth The dominion of the heavens And the earth. He giveth life And He taketh it. Except for Him Ye have no protector Nor helper. 117. God turned with favour To the Prophet, the Muhājirs, And the Anṣār,—who followed Him in a time of distress, After that the hearts of a part Of them had nearly swerved (From duty); but He turned To them (also): for He is Unto them Most Kind, Most Merciful. 118. (He turned in mercy also) To the three who were left Behind; (they felt guilty) To such a degree that the earth p. 477 Seemed constrained to them, For all its speciousness, And their (very) Souls seemed Straitened to them, And they perceived that There is no fleeing from God (And no refuge) but to Himself. Then He turned to them, That they might repent: For God is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. SECTION 15. 119. O ye who believe! Fear God And be with those Who are true (in word and deed). 120. It was not fitting For the people of Medina And the Bedouin Arabs Of the neighbourhood, to refuse To follow Gods Apostle, Nor to prefer their own lives To his: because nothing Could they suffer or do, But was reckoned to their credit As a deed of righteousness,— Whether they suffered thirst, Or fatigue, or hunger, in the Cause Of God, or trod paths To raise the ire of the Unbelievers, Or received any injury p. 478 Whatever from an enemy: For God suffereth not The reward to be lost Of those who do good;— 121, Nor could they spend anything (For the Cause)—small or great— Nor cut across a valley, But the deed is inscribed To their credit; that God May requite their deed With the best (possible reward). 122. Nor should the Believers All go forth together: If a contingent From every expedition Remained behind, They could devote themselves To studies in religion, And admonish the people When they return to them,— That thus they (may learn) To guard themselves (against evil) SECTION 16. 123. O ye who believe! Fight The Unbelievers who gird you about, And let them find firmness In you: and know that God Is with those who fear Him. p. 479 124. Whenever there cometh down A Sūra, some of them say: Which of you has had His faith increased by it? Yea, those who believe,— Their faith is increased, And they do rejoice. 125. But those in whose hearts Is a disease,—it will add doubt To their doubt, and they will die In a state of Unbelief. 126. See they not that they Are tried every year Once or twice? Yet they Turn not in repentance, And they take no heed. 127. Whenever there cometh down A Sūra, they look at each other, (Saying), Doth anyone see you? Then they turn aside: God hath turned their hearts (From the light); for they Are a people that understand not. 128. Now hath come unto you An Apostle from amongst p. 480 Yourselves: it grieves him That ye should perish: Ardently anxious is he Over you: to the Believers Is he most kind and merciful. 129. But if they turn away, Say: God sufficeth me: There is no god but He: On Him is my trust, He the Lord of the Throne (Of Glory) Supreme! Great is the reward of good works with God. Joined together in harmony, let us implore that reward from Him. The good servant 139 receives the bread of his labour with confidence; the lazy and slothful cannot look his employer in the face. It is requisite, therefore, that we be prompt in the practice of well-doing; for of Him are all things. And thus He forewarns us: “Behold, the Lord [cometh], and His reward is before His face, to render to every man according to his work.” 140 He exhorts us, therefore, with our whole heart to attend to this, 141 that we be not lazy or slothful in any good work. Let our boasting and our confidence be in Him. Let us submit ourselves to His will. Let us consider the whole multitude of His angels, how they stand ever ready to minister to His will. For the Scripture saith, “Ten thousand times ten thousand stood around Him, and thousands of thousands ministered unto Him, 142 and cried, Holy, holy, holy, [is] the Lord of Sabaoth; the whole creation is full of His glory.” 143 And let us therefore, conscientiously gathering together in harmony, cry to Him earnestly, as with one mouth, that we may be made partakers of His great and glorious promises. For [the Scripture] saith, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which He hath prepared for them that wait for Him.” 144 Footnotes 14:139 Or, “labourer.” 14:140 Isa. xl. 10, Isa. lxii. 11; Rev. xxii. 12. 14:141 The text here seems to be corrupt. Some translate, “He warns us with all His heart to this end, that,” etc. 14:142 Dan. vii. 10. 14:143 Isa. vi. 3. 14:144 1 Cor. ii. 9. Infinite Love! Light and Love! Christ Light, Sunlight in Love! Light commune with our DNA! Our eyes are the main entrance of Light! Sunlight, Christ Light in Love! Morning, Noon and Evening! O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have be with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. God doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete His favour to you, that ye may be grateful. (HQ: 5: 6) Infinite love Mama planet of Love! Infinite praises to the Most High YAH! INFINITE LOVE! THE LORD ASURA! THE BELOVED OF ATUM LORD ATON LORD INDRA THE SUN OF FIRE! THE BUDDHA OF CLEAR SHINING! THE TATHAGATA THE MOST AUGUSTUS! THE PRINCE OF ISRAEL! THE ISRAELITE! THE LORD OF GREAT GLORY! THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS! THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD! THE BELOVED LORD BENYAHAMIN THE BELOVED OF THE MOST YAH, THE AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN! AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN AMIN!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:15:18 +0000

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