Attaining the Love of Allaah Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) - TopicsExpress


Attaining the Love of Allaah Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said, chapter: Ways that bring about the love of Allaah and necessitate it, and they are ten in number. 1. Recitation of the Quraan with reflection and understanding its meanings and what it is intended by it. 2. Getting closer to Allaah with the supererogatory acts of worship, after the obligatory ones, for they will take him to another level of love that comes after love. 3. Remembrance by the tongue, the heart, actions and ones condition, so a persons share of love is in accordance with his share of remembrance. 4. Preferring his love over your own when desires overcome you and climbing to reach his love, even if the ascent is difficult. 5. The hearts comprehension of his name and attributes. 6. Witnessing his generosity, his benevolence, his favours and blessings, both hidden and open, for these things call to his love. 7. And this is the most amazing of them all, the hearts total defeat and humility in front of Allaah, The Most High, and there are no other words and considerations which give expression to this meaning. 8. Being alone at the time of the descent of Allaah for having private conversations with him, reciting his words, investigating the heart, displaying the manners of servitude whilst in front of Him and then to seal all of that with seeking forgiveness and repentance. 9. Sitting with the truthful lovers of Allaah and gathering the good fruits (arising) from their speech, just as one picks out the best of fruits, and that you do not speak except when the benefit of the speech prevails and when you know that there is a betterment for you and benefit for others in it. 10. Keeping distant from everything that comes between the heart and between Allaah, The Mighty and Majestic. In shaa Allaah from these 10 ways we will reach the various levels of love and will enter upon The Beloved.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:03:42 +0000

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