**Attention Amber Cars Customers** Some of you may already be - TopicsExpress


**Attention Amber Cars Customers** Some of you may already be aware that Amber Cars have implemented a fare increase within the city centre last night. Amber Cars have made the decision to do this ONLY between the hours of 7pm & 5am Friday & Saturday. Let me just explain a little about the fare increase and some of the figures that go with it which will hopefully shed some light on things. Our minimum fare increase is only on Friday & Saturday nights in the city centre between the hours of 7pm & 5am. Previously, our min fare was £2.90 and was for the first mile. The minimum fare within these times in the centre has gone up to £4.00 which is for the first 1.3 miles. Why have we done this? Well, as well as looking after our customers we also need to look after our drivers because without them where would we be.. The previous min fare of £2.90 between the City Centre to City Centre used to take an average of 18 minutes - this with existing traffic and managing the loop road drivers were only able to manage a maximum of 3 jobs an hour making around £8.70 an hour. Now this isnt that bad however this is before they pay for their own fuel & insurance (which is an average of £3,000 a year for taxi drivers). Then you take into consideration its a Friday and Saturday night and these guys are working for less than minimum wage. Now Im pretty sure the majority of people would not enjoy working the weekends for minimum wage especially with all the safety issues taxi drivers face. When we look at the stats for last night over 98% of our passengers from the City Centre only paid an extra 60p more than what they would have paid previously. The increase in fare of £4.00 is for the first 1.3 miles where previously the £2.90 was for just the first mile. So to re-iterate the only customers affected due to this increase will be those whose journey is less than 1 mile and begins in the city centre between the hours of 7pm & 5am Friday & Saturday. All other times are unaffected and prices remain the same. For those who did take an Amber Car during these times within the city centre we found that they only paid an extra 60 pence extra on their usual fare price. We understand that some of our customers will be upset by this however Amber Cars has a duty to its staff & drivers to ensure that working conditions and pay are fair to everyone. Amber Cars as a company do not get anything from this increase - all monies are for the drivers. We hope that you understand the reasons behind this and continue to use Amber Cars in the future Kind regards Andrew Pennock MD
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:54:27 +0000

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