Attention America: AL QUAEDA "ON STEROIDS SINCE BENGHAZI ATTACK!l Widespread reports are suggesting that a stealth “missile running operation” run by the U.S. government may be at the core of the Benghazi debacle on 9/11/12. CNSNews is reporting… “Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova, who now represents one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told a Washington radio station Monday that the real scandal in Benghazi is the theft of 400 surface-to-air missiles by some ‘very ugly people.’” Speaking to the audience of WMAL radio, DiGenova said… “We had troops ready to deploy in Croatia to go (to Benghazi) that night of Sept. 11, 2012, to rescue Americans. This information comes from former intelligence officials who stay in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community. And it is pretty clear that the biggest concern right now are the 400 missiles which have been diverted in Libya and have gotten into the hands of some very ugly people. And they worried specifically, according to theses sources, about an attempt to shoot down an airliner.” DiGenova further stated that the threat of these missiles being used against U.S. targets is the reason why nineteen of our embassies were recently closed down by the Obama administration. As you might imagine, the White House has denied the rumors – but, then again, the Obama administration has lied to the American people throughout the course of the Benghazi scandal. We also know that our government is suppressing the testimonies of key witnesses who could reveal the truth about the terrorist assault. ++Calls for a Special Committee are increasing! Senator Lindsey Graham has declared that al Qaeda is ‘on steroids’ since the Benghazi attack – and they feel they have the U.S. on the run! It now seems that we, the most powerful nation on earth, are the ones on the run due to massive failures in our Middle East foreign policy and flagrant mischaracterizations of our enemies and their status, strength, and strategies. Former Representative Allen West is calling on Congress to appoint a Special Committee, similar to the one being called for by Congressman Frank Wolf, to investigate the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. As Newsmax reported, West said… “We’ve got a lot of questions. This is why I believe we have to have that select committee to get to the bottom of these incidents. Right now, we have had this investigation across five different committees in the House of Representatives. We have not gotten anywhere. If we have one focused committee with subpoena powers that can get the survivors from Benghazi, get some of these CIA agents and operatives. And I think you need to depose Hillary Clinton and bring her back and talk about why Ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of September 11.”
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:32:01 +0000

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