Attention Children of Yahweh. I have been quiet about the Mike - TopicsExpress


Attention Children of Yahweh. I have been quiet about the Mike Brown shooting on my own page but wanted to take some time to address the situation and posit my view on it. You dont have to agree with them or even like them but thats why its my FB page. I first want to say my condolences and prayers to the family because regardless to what any of us may feel about the situation these parents lost their son and that is truly a tragic and terrible thing. With that being said I am going to now address us as an African American community and conclude with my thoughts on this case. We as a community have gotten up in arms, rallied, marched, some of us rioted and FB as well as the media in general have been a buzz with this killing. The banner of racism has been flown by blacks in this episode as a sticking point. In my opinion this banner has been on us as well and i will explain. Any time someone from another race kills us we are quick to rally, organize, march and protest. My question is why does it take the death of one of us at the hands of another race to mobilize us into action for the Black cause and where is this same zeal when blacks murder blacks? Do those parents grieve any less than the ones killed by folks of other races? Do they get the best lawyers showing up or calls from the president or good old Al Sharpton showing up? In months before this occurred countless blacks were murdered unjustly at the hands of other Blacks and not one time have i saw Al Sharpton, show up, a riot, protesting and marching nor any of us fly the banner of racism. Like the Trayvonne Martin incident and so many others we get all fired up march, protest and then go home and its business as usual. Where are all the folks wearing hoodies etc now? They have taken them off and exchanged them with throwing their hands up and yelling dont shoot. This same process has been ongoing for centuries and we are too ignorant to recognize it and at the end of it all the families that loose children to violence are still left healing. And what shall i say about the wholesale slaughter of Africans at the hands of other Africans in places like the Sudan and Darfur? What about the riots? So we get mad over the incident and some of us riot and burn down and tear up businesses in our own neighborhoods then we have idiots speak on live television and justify rioting because its hurting the white mans businesses. On top of that we also have fights and loot in other areas that have nothing to do with the shooting and what does this do? It Justifies whats already been said by some of blacks that we are violent and ignorant and although many spoke out against the riots after the fact where were those who wanted justice while this was going on? Surely not all the protesters participated in the riots so why didnt they take a stand and form Pickett lines outside the QT instead of filming it as it burned? The reality of the situation is that by and large when its us killing us and destroying our own properties its business as usual and although there are good black people in the world and abroad we have some of the highest rates of jacked up things in our own ranks and neighborhoods because we dont want to take accountability and responsibility for self. Its far easier to blame the white man or how we grew up or the system or any of the plethora of other things that we can label to keep the finger off of us. I believe that Yahweh allows tragedies like this one to happen to shock us into the reality that we should not be complacent about our communities, education, women, relationship with G-d etc. It shouldnt take the death of a black kid to cause us to unify for the cause of loss. I agree with those that say that people cant understand because their not black but likewise any race could make that claim. I cant relate to the native american experience because Im not Indian however Yeshua can relate to all of it because he suffered as we do to be able to relate to us and love us. Then we have all this pro black rhetoric flying around. The new black panther party showed up and Al Sharpton. Question why dont they show up outside of tragedies to help us better the neighborhoods etc? Let me answer that because they have their own agendas. We also have people posting on FB asking why Nelly the rapper hasnt said anything about this and pointing out that young Jeezy another rapper came and took pictures and spoke out about the incident. These are the same clowns who put music out degrading women, glorifying thug mentality, setting the trends for urban dress and behavior and establishing the complacency and business as usual attitude in black neighborhoods that we have in the first place. Yet our mentality is to be concerned with them and what they have to say when IMO they are guilty partakers in the tragedy by the examples of rebellion and silliness they set. In closing i will say this My heart again goes out to the mother and family and i am praying that G-d comfort them in this time of loss because no amount of restitution or Justice will bring their baby back. I also pray that Justice be done in this situation because although i dont know if the young man attacked the officer or not i do believe that at the point of where the young man had been shot and put his hands up any shot fired beyond that was excessive. I also would like to say that although i believe that any of us should also understand that if we do assault a police officer we do not get to dictate how he will respond in that situation. For my FB friends that are Hebraic Believers like myself I would encourage you to not allow anger and malice to rule in your hearts because of this. Remember the season that we are headed into Elul which begins August 26th at sunset. This is 40 days of cleaning out the junk, doing our most earnest repentance, best giving and honing or obedience to the king for the Yamim Noraim (days of awe) that start with Yom Teruah, the time when it is traditionally thought that Yahweh is judging your life for the next year. Above all I have come to understand that many movements have come and gone that promoted black equality and as much as we mummer and complain about racial injustices what have we done with what our forefathers lived, breathed, bled and died for? If MLK, Malcolm X or any of the many leaders of our past were alive today would they be proud of what we have become or would they morn for how far we have fallen from their dreams and legacies? There is so much violence and evil in the world during this season and we have only come through one blood moon. Yet i know that if these things have come to pass then the bible must be true and soon and very soon the one true king, the one who will bring about equality, justice and peace for all will come and will establish the only kingdom that matters in this entire mess. Until then my focus is on helping those who want help and will make the effort to walk righteously and do whats right. Those who are more than lip service or a picket sign when times get tough but are mum when things are fine. Those with willing hearts to learn truth and make it a practical part of their everyday grind. In spite of all that has happened i make the same proclamation that Joshua made when he said the following. 15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:37:22 +0000

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