Attention: Dare to Imagine is about to take a Quantum Leap in - TopicsExpress


Attention: Dare to Imagine is about to take a Quantum Leap in reaching the world! Our prayers have been answered!!! I have received so much support and prayers from some of the most interesting people in the world. Divinities inbox was completely inundated with prayers and support for Dare to Imagine these past few days. I have also been praying a lot and doing some heavy duty visualizations and meditations these past few days. I woke up at 4:00 am and was visualizing the outcome of the verdict for the book. Thereafter, I had a very long and intensive meditation session. My dear and special friends, I am proud to announce that an influential man took a liking to the book and now his publishing company has invited me to let them publish my book and allow it to reach many more people in many different platforms of purchase. OMG! I cant believe it and still in disbelief. The man who read my book liked it and saw the potential it had and is willing to help me to bring Dare to Imagine to a much larger group. I cant thank you enough all for your support, prayer and belief in me and the message in the book. I am so touched that it is brings tears to my eyes just thinking about all the love and support you guys have given me. Gonna have to put you guys in book 3 for this amazing journey, milestone and historic moment for Dare to Imagine. Right now working on Book 2. Always remember to Dare to Imagine, never stop dreaming and always believe in yourself! And always give thanks to God from whom all goodness comes. Remember there is much power whenever a group prays for a common cause. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart! Love all of you sooooo much!!!! Love, Ron
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:32:20 +0000

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