Attention Imran Khan Mr. Imran Khan this is for your kind - TopicsExpress


Attention Imran Khan Mr. Imran Khan this is for your kind information that residents of Hayatabad Town ship have been deprived of drinking water by PDA for the last four days. However, dogs, pets, plants and gardens of bureaucrats, ministers and other well to do are getting regular supplies through PDA’s water tankers. What a contradiction. Please stop talking of Madina Welfare State and converting Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa into a model province. You are not different from the rest. Hazrat Umer said if a dog goes hungry on the bank of river Dajla, I have to be answerable to Allah. Mr. Khan please treats the residents of Hayatabad as dogs and asks you’re crowny and the most junior officer who had occupied the chair of DG PDA who is also happened to be the brother in law of Core Commander General Rabani to arrange a few drops of water for the thirsty dying out dogs of Hayatabad who unfortunately also votes for you. The 120 tube wells of Hayatabad are not working for the last four days and the PDA is forwarding a simple excuse of massive load-shedding. Residents of Hayatabad regularly pays off water bills and this is none of our headache that what’s problems PDA had as PDA can go for solar system and generators to keep continue water supply uninterrupted. But they are just minting money by creating unbeatable records of corruption under the very nose of PTI. Khan Sahab by the way you have chosen a person as Chief Minister KPK about whom we are still in a fix to address that person as Miss, Mister or something else? Khan Sahab the selection of CM forced me to recall one of another blue eyed of your cricketing world, Zakir Khan whom you kept as an attacking bellower despite all opposition and he never delivered as he was good for nothing. The same goes for CM Pervaiz Khattak. However, do remember Khan Sahab Madina was having ample drinking water in the times of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 04:37:52 +0000

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