Attention: Members comprising the Johnson County Republican Party - TopicsExpress


Attention: Members comprising the Johnson County Republican Party Executive Committee. Please consider the attached resolution which follows exactly in purpose the petition circulated at the June 10 Executive Committee meeting. That petition was signed by twenty four Johnson County Republicans, including many of us on the committee and delegates to the state convention. This resolution, which was adopted by the Ellis County Executive Committee last Tuesday, will be an agenda item at tonights meeting (Thursday). I encourage all of you to read it and ask me any questions about it. I will make a motion to adopt this resolution as a constructive and supportive communication to our party leadership. Your attendance is appreciated. In case you cannot open the file, this is the resolution: Demonstrating Transparency in Our Republican Leadership A Resolution WHEREAS, transparency in government has proven to be a necessary component of any society claimed to be truly free, and; WHEREAS, the demand for clarity and unabbreviated honesty from our state legislators, county commissioners, judges, city council members, and others in position to affect our lives has strengthened over the last few years within our party, and; WHEREAS, the Republican Party is to remain an unparalleled defender of accountability through transparency, and; WHEREAS, it naturally follows that this demand should extend to our Republican party leadership, as well, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Johnson County Republican Executive Committee does here and now endorse and support our State Republican Executive Committeeman Mr. Ralph Patterson of McLennan County and Committeewoman Mrs. Janet Jackson of Bosque County for voting in favor of allowing the improved documentation by SREC members, their staff, volunteers, and those in general attendance of committee meetings excluding closed session, and RESOLVED, that the Johnson County Republican Executive Committee does here and now request our State Republican Executive Committeeman Mr. Ralph Patterson of McLennan County and Committeewoman Mrs. Janet Jackson of Bosque County to vote in favor of any and all agenda items brought before the SREC that would allow for the improved documentation by SREC members, their staff, volunteers, and those in general attendance of committee meetings excluding closed session.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 05:08:23 +0000

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