Attention Page Owners! STOP focusing on PTAT as a metric of - TopicsExpress


Attention Page Owners! STOP focusing on PTAT as a metric of success on your page and other pages! PTAT is so 2012. Facebook even hid the metric in the latest redesign. Previously, PTAT was in a prominent, public-facing place right under the page name next to total likes. Now, visitors to any page can only see the PTAT number by clicking on the number of likes... which has been moved lower. PTAT = people talking about this. Definition = the number of unique users who created a story about your post or page. The number is a trailing seven-day metric. Stories include comments, likes and shares of your posts; new page likes; posts to page (by others); @ tags; event RSVPs; checkins; reviews; and offer claims. In June 2013, due to popular request, Facebook began rolling out a change in page Insights, deprecating PTAT in favor of a break out of the elements of PTAT. Quote: Facebook will be removing the People Talking About This metric (PTAT) from Page Insights. To better see how people interact with a pages content, the PTAT metrics have been split into separate elements: Page Likes, People Engaged (the number of unique people who have clicked on, liked, commented on, or shared your posts), Page tags and mentions, Page checkins and other interactions on a Page. We recommend that you use these metrics moving forward to evaluate your Page posting strategy and engagement. See that last sentence? Facebook Insights help inform your content + engagement strategy. They are social metrics, often vanity metrics, even. They are not overall indicators of your BUSINESS success. Keep in mind that many businesses integrate other social channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube, along with blogging, email marketing, podcasting, live events, etc. etc. So many businesses out there might be creating tremendous success in many ways - as measured by number of leads, number of customers, increase in revenue and profits, etc. But with a low PTAT on Facebook, some folks may be quick to judge and assume the business is either not doing well, or the page owner doesnt know what theyre doing. Hmph! People can think what they like. (Besides, what other people think of you is none of your business. Ha! :p) SO, of course, the elephant in the room is ORGANIC REACH. Doh. How can any business page owner possibly expect the same results they had 12-18 months ago? Its just not going to happen, maybe with a few exceptions. Engagement (PTAT for those who love that acronym), is bound to decline due to the decline in reach. This time last year, pages could get an average of 16% organic reach (some pages could easily get double, triple or even more than 100% organic reach). Now, average organic reach is hovering somewhere between 2-3% and is rumored to go to 0%. Hm. The solution, of course, is pay to play. Facebook offers tremendous tools to amplify your GREAT content to the exact right audience. Facebook ads is the most targeted traffic your advertising dollars can buy. To succeed with your Facebook marketing in todays world, you have to either train yourself to be an ads ninja, or outsource your Facebook ads. OR, you can also get creative with high quality posts that resonate deeply with your raving fans, amplify by integrating other social channels, and continue to experience great organic reach and engagement rates... then strategically amplify (promote) certain posts on Facebook that have a direct business ROI. Great examples of such pages are Chalene Johnson and quirkymomma. (Feel free to add your own examples in the comments below). One more thing -- weve literally been trained (brainwashed?!) into believing the Metric of More is the be all end all. More fans/friends/followers, more PTAT, higher Klout score, more money, more stuff, more toys, more prestige, more, more, yada yada. But how much will ever be enough? How about, instead, focusing on the Metric of Meaning. Society typically measures success by money and power. However, Arianna Huffington created The Third Metric THRIVE in her beautiful, eye-opening book, to include well-being, wisdom, wonder and our ability to make a difference in the world. Love that!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:51:44 +0000

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