Attention: Parents and guardians of participants currently - TopicsExpress


Attention: Parents and guardians of participants currently enrolled on Outward Bound Courses Outward Bound Hong Kong has been tracking and preparing for Severe Typhoon Utor for the past several days, as such, we inform you of the following: • As of yesterday afternoon, we have recommended that participants aged 8-13 on LTD or LTK courses which were scheduled to finish on Wednesday the 14th receive a pick up this afternoon Tuesday the 13th, one day ahead of schedule. Parents for these participants have been called and an email has been sent to them. • Participants on our other courses, including our 18-day journeys, will remain at one of our two training centres during the typhoon. All groups currently scheduled for sailing and sea kayak expeditions have at this stage returned to either our Tai Mong Tsai basecamp or our Wong Wan Chau basecamp. In the event of a T8, these groups will not camp out and will remain indoors until the storm passes and they can continue with their programme. Outward Bound Hong Kong has prepared our facilities, staff, and we have sufficient rations and supplies to weather the storm in the event that we need to stay put for several days. 致所有參加者的家長: 有關於颱風尤特將至,我們會作出以下相應措施: 我們會密切留意颱風尤特最新動向,亦由於颱風關係,我們已作出一切準備,詳請如下: • 由昨天下午開始,我們已聯絡8-13歲參加者的家長,有關課程將會提早一天結束,即由原來14/8(星期三)改為今天13/8(星期二)。有關詳細資料已發電郵予各參加者家長。 • 有關其他課程,包括18日經典體驗課程及所有海上課程,他們將被安排回到我們的大網仔基地或往灣洲基地。當8號風球懸掛時,他們將被安排在室內繼續參與課程,直至風球除下為止。 我們的員工已在進行相應的防風措施,確保所有參加者能在安全情況下繼續他們的外展課程,敬希垂註。
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 05:39:56 +0000

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