Attention: healthcare is a service. In no other aspect of our - TopicsExpress


Attention: healthcare is a service. In no other aspect of our lives would we ever expect someone to consistently perform a service for free. You wouldnt walk into Walmart and grab some food and just say, Im taking this and Im not paying. Its my basic, human right to eat. So, what if you say, Hey those green beans cost $3, and they should be more like 5 cents, well then we should all expect to receive what 5 cent green beans will look and taste like. America has provided the best healthcare of anywhere in the world. That is a fact. Would you go to Mexico or Africa to have a life-saving surgery? No, you would not. So why do we expect people to perform top notch services for substantially less money? Do you not think someone who goes to 8 plus years of medical school, racking up $250,000 in student loans, and learns how to save or prolong peoples lives, should be compensated??? Whats going to happen now is less people will become doctors ( because why would they go through the whole process to end up bankrupt?) which is gonna throw quality, supply and demand right into your face. And youre not getting crummy green beans, youre getting crummy medical treatment. I was just told if Ben is to need further testing done after hes seen at the Thompson Center, that we should expect to be a year out from the closest appointment. Thats for a Specialist, but give it time, and thats how itll be to see a regular doctor. I already had a friend die from the flu this year, who couldve most likely been saved had she seen a doctor earlier. God forbid anyone gets a real disease like Cancer. And in the meantime, the middle class people who have worked very hard at always paying into their insurance, are now paying more, in addition to paying a large chunk of money going to every other single person on the planet, so its like a double whammy now. And we will get to pay more for a lower quality of life. This should make every American livid, especially since this whole thing has been forced on us by ignoring the Constitution.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 19:43:44 +0000

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